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Recreational Math Anonymous 07/19/2023 (Wed) 17:36:55 No. 126
What specifically do you do? Do you know any good places to get into it?
Rubik's Cube I try to understand recurring patterns and symmetries I see to make it easier to solve. To get into it I just watched a bunch of random video tutorials, I always thought it looked cool when people were able to solve it.
>>126 Does chess count for recreational math?
>>128 Well yeah, understanding how pieces move on the 8x8 board requires spatial reasoning for specific geometric patterns, which requires a good grasp of math
I solve Project Euler problems from time to time Usually, you'll need to code your solutions, since you need to handle large numbers or complex calculations, but at the same time, they are non-trivial to the point you'll need clever mathematical tricks to get around them
>>131 That sounds fun and interesting
>>132 It is! But I end up checking the solution most of the times It just amazes me seeing other's peoples' mathematical shenanigans (and I'm also too lazy to solve it by myself )
>Well yeah, understanding how pieces move on the 8x8 board requires spatial reasoning for specific geometric patterns Isn't that just having a human brain? You don't really need to grasp math concepts to win Anyway yeah i do ice sculpting. It's just like wood carving but cheaper since water is free. It's a bit slippery though may be a bit tricky at first if you are used to wood. But yeah basically same shit, either buy tens of funky looking chisels with a price worthy of golden utensils or just take a knife and a lighter do some arbitrary sketches and poke holes until you are satisfied with the result, probably until the die you die
wait fuck i was using an overboard and haven't read the post's "topic" i thought it's about hobbies and stuff yeah recreational math well ughhhh i triangulate artillery fires when playing milsims
im sure there is some deep math involved in ice sculpting somehow, so your post is fine and OPs are just mere suggestions anyway, if you wanna derail this thread to talk about how to make bombs in your basement, im down
>>139 I wonder if making a Cirno ice sculpture ever crossed anyone else's minds...
>im sure there is some deep math involved in ice sculpting somehow same shit as with origami you can use formulas to calculate how to bend shit and you can use formulas to program a CNC machine and cut out the statue for you but that's not an art anymore and there are no practical uses for ice sculptures so kinda defies the point >if you wanna derail this thread to talk about how to make bombs in your basement, im down fuck jb stop gangstalking me
>>141 >same shit as with origami I remember fiddling around with a JavaScript library about origami a few years ago. It was still quite rudimentary back then, I wonder how it is now. At the time, I was trying to reproduce some simple origami patterns, but didn't understand quite well how it worked https://rabbitear.org/book/
>but that's not an art anymore figuring out the formulas is the real art >fuck jb stop gangstalking me why dont (You) stop gangstalking me? i thought i was far enough from that hellscape nobody would recognize me here but wtf why are you everywhere? literally every single ib i post on youre there
>>140 It must happen one day..
what would 1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8x9x10x11x12x... be the result?
>>164 ok but I want a real answer not a meme one even if it's kind of true
>>167 ok thank you
>>126 one letter mutation away from recreational meth

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