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GAME NIGHT HAPPENING Saturday, February 22nd at 3pm EST.

Don't forget to vote for the game you want before then

Anonymous 02/19/2025 (Wed) 13:06:19 No. 7512 [Reply]
Well, what do you choose?
>>7512 Believe likely yields more content
>>7513 you chose to BELIEVE her. you have now given your FAITH to the god. you can now pick a BLESSING. a. BALLS b. BALLS c. BALLS
Do you even recognize the ambiguity of the choice to believe? Do you think there is a way to tell how well a person can be trusted without knowing their desires? Do you think that just because it seems to you that they are trustworthy makes them so? Do you not know that whoever is not in control of their desires will necessarily be overpowered by them? And when such person that seems to behave in good faith is pressed by a desire they do not control, they will be confronted by a choice of two desires, one not to harm you, a supposed friend, and another to fulfill that other desire . How do you know which choice they will make? It is necessary that if they don't control their desire, pushing it to the right extent will make them betray you, all the while regretting and resenting it. They will cry and ask for forgiveness, but uncontrolled desire knows not morale. How can you so blindly choose to believe? Does it not seem to you that the only road that is free of ambiguity and doubt is the road of the Fight? Do you not think that the only way to have any trust in your associates is to know that both yours and theirs strives are pure and not impeded by desire? Does it not seem to you that the only way to achieve the trust you yearn so much is to stand on the road of cleansing from the burden of Evil ? The trust built on weak foundations of good faith that is not backed by any strength and courage will crumble apart during the first trouble, but the Fight will never cease, and the battle against Evil will never end so long as there is at least one person that does not control its desire. Purify yourself though standing on the path of vying with Evil! Join the Resistance! Join the Fight!
>>7515 nobody can ever expect to truly and fully understand the desires and inner workings of another person. this does not mean i won't put my faith and trust in those i deem worthy. life is about taking risks, and trusting others is an essential risk that one must develop a sense to do correctly. living life without faith or trust in anybody is a sad, lonely, meaningless way to live.
>>7518 whatever you say kiddo

FUCK CLOUDFLARE FUCK CLOUDFLARE 02/16/2025 (Sun) 20:48:03 No. 1112 [Reply]
>>1112 what do you have against cloudflare that makes you hate it so much LOL
not him but I hate cloud flare too they're always checking me and making me fill captcha and I hate that
>>1114 cloudflare is literally awesome ngl
>>1112 is that smalltalk? haven't seen it since college. what are the weird annotations before the method name?
>>1115 cloudflare is EVIL they give you internet aids!!!

Anonymous 02/16/2025 (Sun) 01:52:40 No. 7491 [Reply]
The last moment you see before you die.. what could've possibly led up to this?
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>>7504 They're babies that have never used an imageboard..........................
boku no angry hikarin
>>7507 if i'm such a baby then breastfeed me
boku no breasts
boku no tiddymilko

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adding new features Anonymous 07/04/2023 (Tue) 12:08:02 No. 88 [Reply] [Last]
are you going to add new feature files like jpeg, png, webm, webp, pdf files, other files, 3d image, etc...?
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>>728 yeah but that spooks me as well
>>726 I think this one can replace current under the name of :stunned:. The actual could be a variation of >>728 once it is a bit polished.
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Looks better with no perspiration, no?
perspiration always makes everything better
i'll gladly fondle you elsewhere but not here of all places!

HIKARI MINECRAFT SERVER Anonymous 12/22/2024 (Sun) 01:15:14 No. 921 [Reply]
Since it seems that we will not have a game night this month, I thought it would be cool to bring the Minecraft server back (I'm not the same owner as before), I don't know for how long I'll keep it online, but hope you enjoy for the time being. IP: IP: Version 1.21.3 Version 1.21.4
Edited last time by Marukos on 02/15/2025 (Sat) 03:04:01.
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Is there any way to specifically lock chests to only a few selected users? Like you can trust and untrust users for your claim, but all chests on that claim are available for the other users now too. I guess you can create a new claim, specifically for holding valuables but eh
>>1031 I have no idea, I would need to do a better reading at the documentation of the plugin, I'll do it later today, but if you want to read yourself, the plugin name is GriefPrevention.
why are you hiding your chests from me?
>>1023 went online yesterday and my ping seemed to be pretty stable at around 170-190ms. it seems i was just having internet troubles the first time around.
>>1033 not hiding, it just contains valuables I don't want to lose (or share). all other resources in my house, farm and lava farm are free to take, with permission ofcourse

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HIKARI3 GAME NIGHT GENERAL Anonymous 09/02/2024 (Mon) 01:26:52 No. 786 [Reply] [Last]
Hey Hikari! Let's play a game! This is the thread to organize a monthly Hikari3 game night on the last weekend of every month. Feel free to offer up any games for the next game night, and share any memories you've made! Everyone is welcome, and everyone can offer up a game. Only rule is to be comfy. Idea comes from >>782 I hope we can all get along and make something special! Sponsored by the Hikari3 Steam group: join today!
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Play serious sam or sacred (if you manage to launch this ancient thing, I personally couldn't get the coop going ever, though it supports up to 16 players in theory, not a problem since I have no friends)
>>1016 Sacred is a game of my childhood! Lovely mention. But it barely runs on modern systems, let alone hacking multiplayer to work.
>>1004 wanted to let you know that we now have a mumble for hikari3. it's bridged with the dicksword, so everyone can use their preferred chat option. i will probably start using the mumble for game night myself. (default port) >>1016 i've never really played either of those. i've heard of serious sam but have never heard of sacred. i will look into them. thank you for the suggestions!
syrno are you masking as frieren
>>1026 nope, not syrno

名無し 02/16/2025 (Sun) 23:16:51 No. 1275 [Reply]
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cyrno wtf
>>1295 sure. take it as whatever you want. i just realized there's no point in arguing against your midwit wannabe elitism over an entirely subjective topic. it's a waste of electricity.
>>1289 >gay remix of some gay wannabe pop """"metal"""" why can't i stop laughing at >>(YOU)
>t-take it how-whever you want! >t-that's gay
>>1297 I know you liked the way the girl i brought moves more than his You don't hafta hide it

体操服スレッー 名無し 01/09/2024 (Tue) 12:16:11 No. 791 [Reply]
体操服でお気に入りの女の子を投稿してくださいぃなの~ スクール水着も大好評です!ありがとうね
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fuck kids. they shouldn't have access to internet until 16 years old, they are fucking obnoxious
>>1269 There are no kids on imageboards you fucking retard, they are all doomscrolling, they think browsers are a frontend for google, and google = google search. When internet users were kids it was better.
>>1270 Well I don't care if they're stupid
>>1263 Who mentioned anything about tikokers?
スレッドを脱線させるな 体操着姿の女の子をもっとアップロード!

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Anonymous 02/15/2025 (Sat) 01:00:25 No. 7480 [Reply]
can someone explain to me, hikari chan. at first i thought, she is just Cirno. but she looks a little different in some pictures. who is she? are there any other pictures of her? id like to see them.
Your fortune: (YOU ARE BANNED)
Hikari-chan is a god
>>7480 yeah just a blatant chiruno knock off. i don't really see why they didn't just use chiruno and or an OC. chiruno i think would well represent this place. the two of them together would be cute.
Can't wait for hentai of her.
hikari is not 9no because god descended to me in person and told to make hikari chan and blessed her

Anonymous 02/14/2025 (Fri) 09:48:01 No. 7464 [Reply]
Happy valentines day. Do you have someone to spend it with?
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>>7474 That pie doesn't look very tasty at all.
Pie with hikarins
What is Momiji playing?
She's playing "awoo the hikarin"

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BOOKS OSR 02/12/2025 (Wed) 22:28:26 No. 1090 [Reply]
Anna's archive, Libgen, and the Pirate Bay can't be accessed in Northern Ireland anymore or at least I can't get to them. Can someone please get me 1. Trashing the Planet: How Science Can Help Us Deal With Acid Rain, Depletion of the Ozone, and Nuclear Waste (Among Other Things) 2. Planned society, yesterday, today, tomorrow; a symposium by thirty-five economists, sociologists, and statesmen 3. Any books on Lisp or Lua game development 4. Beetlejuice Beetlejuice 5. Any Book on the Euro currency and how it was introduced
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Damn the entire thread actually conflicts with rule 2
>>1106 my thoughts exactly LOL. like brother just post them. acting like the government is gonna ICBM his house for pirating books.
>>1102 >The New World Order You gonna conquer the world? Can I join in???
>>1109 Yes I will conquer the world and establish a world government but it will be an one to stop the new world order. Yes you can totally join in
>>1110 What's the mission, sir?

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Anonymous 02/13/2025 (Thu) 18:40:00 No. 7458 [Reply]
eat it Reimu I know you're starving
uhodi stop stalking me you badass i'm gonna kill you
>>7458 what is that thing
>>7461 It's a cake with fruit stuffing. Well maybe more like biscuit for all I know. Also it says it contains natural honey.

Anonymous 02/12/2025 (Wed) 22:28:53 No. 7441 [Reply]
Ai labu yuu
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>>7450 why does that girl have a bulge*
>>7449 good thing i only have one brain cell.
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>>7452 probably just fat
>>7452 erm. how else is a girl supposed to pee?
Onee-chan said that she uses the PENIS in the drawer to pee and I should never move it because she could die

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Anonymous 02/13/2025 (Thu) 03:40:41 No. 1007 [Reply]
Can you defeat Airman?
uhhhm yes

Anonymous 01/30/2025 (Thu) 23:19:45 No. 7221 [Reply]
How many of you are regular posters and how long have you been around?
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>>7426 Jesus Christ
>>7429 im just asking...
>>7434 I think they were just answering your question
>>7438 i think you're very bad at detecting jokes
You're not the ones to talk about jokes.

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Anonymous 12/24/2023 (Sun) 12:21:03 No. 337 [Reply]
What linux distro should I use? Help me out, friends, I'm so confused.
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>>1085 how bad my privacy is on windows now? I already don't have the schizo level of privacy, but I still try to use things like ungoogled chromium. I disabled all the telemetry, deleted edge and copilot etc.
>>1087 >how bad my privacy is on windows now? Not bad really, only it would take them exactly one click to enter your system because all mass market proprietary software is backdoored, and the backdoors are coordinated by you know what government. I'm not sure linux in a panacea but it seems since linux is used exclusively in privacy conscious scenarios, it is more expensive to enter a linux machine. Though if you use your usual systemd with gnome/kde, you don't win much, since all of them are designed as malware as well. If you think open source cannot be openly malware you're dead wrong. Simply make unnecessarily complex and over engineered """solution""" and call your backdoors """"zero day RCEs"""" and chill. Since moving away from systemd is not possible and since it seems Linus is going to be deposed in upcoming years, I doubt you win anything by switching to linux. I'll probably keep some kernel tarballs just in case, but I think software freedom is doomed and unless something happens with the world, we will not be able to own our own system anymore.
>moving away from systemd is not possible Though if somebody replaces elogind and udev in a functional manner and presents clean software at the same time, please ping me. t. devuan user
>>1087 depends on your threat level. for the majority of people what you're doing is fine. if your threat level is something more casual like "i want to stop companies from selling my data for algorithms" then you can still do that to a satisfying degree on an LTSC install with disabling scripts. using trusted, open source software (like ungoogled chromium/librewolf, libreoffice, krita) and healthy amounts of caution online will be a good effort. if you want to go even further you can use invidious, nitter, and other alternative frontends for data hogging sites. the hikarin above me is correct in the sense that you can't really hide from the government, but that is not within most people's threat level (including mine).
>>1088 >>1094 thanks for the elaborate response anons.

SteamOS 3.0 Anonymous 02/11/2025 (Tue) 17:56:59 No. 1081 [Reply]
are any of you planning on trying SteamOS 3.0 once it gets an official release? Valve has been putting a lot of work in improving Linux usability so i'm very interested in seeing the viability of switching to Linux full-time once an official release drops. as an nvidia user, i'm especially interested in their in-house wayland compositor. i have a history of using Linux on other devices, particularly Linux Mint, but always end up going back to Windows on my main PC due to nuisances. doesn't help that i have an nvidia card. what about you? will you give it a try? are you interested in the project or do you not care?
also, does anybody have experience using Bazzite? a distro with a very similar goal to SteamOS. i'm tempted to give this a try as well, at least until SteamOS 3.0 releases. yes, i am a norman when it comes to my PC. i like things to mostly just werk. purists need not reply.
I need Windows on my desktop, but I have Steam Deck and it was my best gaming purchase. I am glad Valve supports Linux gaming!
>>1083 i have a friend who just recently bought one. do you have any complaints towards it? particularly the software side of things.

Anonymous 02/09/2025 (Sun) 08:54:20 No. 7369 [Reply]
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>>7431 yeah aren't they retarded? :sigh:
>>7431 what is heyuri and why don't we like it? >>7430 frotting...
>>7436 But I like Heyuri
>>7437 what is heyuri and why do we like it?
if you like 'yuri stay at 'yuri, you and kaguya deserve each other. but poisoning other places isn't fair

Anonymous 03/18/2024 (Mon) 02:36:30 No. 448 [Reply]
Recommendations for Windows laptops similar in appearance to the iBook G3 It seems like such a thing should exist with how the other computer makers love copying off of Apple, but I'm having a hard time finding any
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>>1074 Why would you use wine for that? Proton id inarguabley better for games.
>>1076 proton in part uses wine, no?
>>1077 Proton is a fork of Wine, but it has a few tweaks so it can run seamlessly with Steam. By my experience the best runners are Wine-GE/Proton-GE, if you haven't yet, I would recommend trying it out, although the creator is now working mostly on UMU Launcher, which is by their description on Github: > A unified launcher for Windows games on Linux. It is essentially a copy of the Steam Runtime Tools and Steam Linux Runtime that Valve uses for Proton, with some modifications made so that it can be used outside of Steam. By my understanding it let's you run proton without Steam, so now they don't need to have a Wine-GE and Proton-GE separated, and considering Wine-GE have not been update in more than a year now, and also the Bottles and Lutris creators are heavily involved in UMU, I can assume it's where most of the work is going to right now.
>>1077 I don't believe anyone claimed it didn't
Proton is gay and corporate, and I don't understand how to use it. With wine, it just werks. How do I even install your proton crap?

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What is there to be done for the site, so it's more active / has more people? Anonymous 02/01/2025 (Sat) 08:58:59 No. 670 [Reply]
I feel that there would be more interesting conversations if new people joined hikari3, so what is there to be done? (Unrelated pic)
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>>708 you're so cute
>>691 heavy moderation is a blessing actually. the problem with most of the internet right now is that there isn't enough. that's why everything is ragebait now, why everyone is a debate addict, why internet conversations have become so unproductive in general. the big platforms are horrifying free-for-all s because that's what generates engagement and thus data and ad revenue conversations between radically opposing views is literally useless. for example, two coworkers discussing which framework to use for their next project is a debate because it is going to have good faith arguments made by people that are knowledgeable on the subject, and it will produce actionable conclusions. two guys with antagonistic positions arguing on reddit about some vague platitude is the opposite of a debate. the more opposed the views, the less useful the conversation will be but there has to be some distance between the two parties for any debate to exist in the first place, so you could say that there is a productive "window of opposition", before which any debate is pointless and after which any debate is useless. it depends on the topic, but I would say that, at least on the internet, that window has become rather narrow why has it become so narrow? because the lack of moderation means that it is okay to insult and disrespect the other side, so discussions become more about "owning" the other than about learning, understanding or arriving at conclusions. every conversation is actually a personal debate and if you lose you become the soy wojak, forever
>>711 Well, the problem of cancer is not solved by adding moderators, it is solved by rangebanning trolls. The actual problem of imageboards is that rules don't get enforced
I insist that >>712 is right.
>>712 so far i think the rules here have been enforced well enough. consistent enforcement becomes more of an issue as more people post but as long as i've been here things have been ran pretty well i'd say.

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Anonymous 02/06/2025 (Thu) 04:01:38 No. 7313 [Reply]
Hello. The rest of the internet has gone to shit so I'm gonna hide out and post in this community. You could say this is my debut.
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>>7313 hai! I am new too! I'm probably going to be lurking for a bit, but I hope people will be patient if I post before I'm totally ready I don't have much chan experience, but I never really used or liked most social media, especially ones that are account focused or have an algorithm. I also like being anonymous the other places I've tried to hang out are not comfy and very bad for me so I hope this place is different! ^w^
we need :exasperated:
>>7395 epic emoji fail
>>7395 is good for that
>>7398 No we need hikarin that is exasperated. Like , but with a hint of being tired of certain things

Anonymous 02/09/2025 (Sun) 06:22:51 No. 7366 [Reply]
Trying to shoot the bitch (You)
>>7366 good luck. i'm safe and cozy inside my safety bunker.
>>7368 damn hikarin that's real cozy i want a bunker like that!
>>7371 buy an old nuclear silo and live in it! it's VERY expensive but you can make a giant nuke-proof bunker for you and your entire social circle!
>>7380 >but you can make a giant nuke-proof bunker for you and your entire social circle! which means that if i ever put two dollars together i'll have an entire palace just for myself!

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Anonymous 02/08/2025 (Sat) 19:01:27 No. 683 [Reply]
why my posts are getting delete
sorry. saw the jak and assumed it was spam.
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>>684 wojak should be removed though
>>695 agreed. normally soyjaks aren't allowed. they have their own containment site.
soyjaks should have been slaughtered long ago, the only reason they is probably because nobody cares to waste bullets on them
>>703 yeah, they've become horrible along with their altchans, most of them are just used as self inserts or uncreative insults nowadays, they seem to invite bad posts everywhere

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New Software Suggestions arithefirst!!KVmldb Global volunteer 01/20/2025 (Mon) 06:05:54 No. 656 [Reply]
Hello everyone! I'm arithefirst, nice to meet you. I'm the new developer at hikari3. I've been working with the staff for about 4 months. If you saw the news post, you will know about the new software we're working on. Here, you can add suggestions and feature requests you'd like to see for the new image board software.
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it might go deeper than just autism! want to go down the rabbit hole?
>>677 I want to post more on hikari3... but it annoys me so much. Also emojis in quick reply would be cool, even like ten random or most used ones.
>>681 I can't imagine these things irritating so much as to prevent from posting on this cute imageboard
the left sidebar of the site has RSS in the "thread navigation" box the URL for the RSS link is just "index.rss" so when you're in a thread and the url is the rss href will take you to which is a 404 so it should keep the url as the board if possible also since it's being rewritten, can i suggest rss logging posts, instead of just threads. there's another slow chan which does this and it's much nicer, because it reminds you there is still activity. sometimes sites dont get new threads for weeks, but discussion continues. or...maybe no one even cares about rss anymore and i see theres actually dicksword link that does what im requesting well some people dont use dicksword.. anyways thats my suggestion
>>697 We've been planning to add what you're requesting actually >>675 >>681 These have been currently fixed in the rewrite
Edited last time by syrno on 02/09/2025 (Sun) 13:06:53.

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how to make your own imageboard? Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:57:28 No. 529 [Reply]
I want to make my own imageboard but I don't know how to make one. I don't know how to code haha. how to host it online and paying servers? I alao want it to support a lot of files (like webm, webp, gif, pdf, etc...)
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>>1045 Sometimes it's necessary to take up the burden. I understand if you don't want to
>>1046 Talk about samefagging, huh LOL
>>1047 You'll understand one day, hopefully
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>>529 i have some expirience with hosting imageboards with vichan. because i am poor i hosted it on a tiny computer on my home network using NGINX. i would reccomend this guide if you want to set up something similar: and if you dont want to use vichan i would reccomend this guide: though you will have to change some of the CSS code in the last guide to make it feel authentic.
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
the first thing I done when I bought a VPS was set up kareha. it's an ancient text board software written in perl i think. but because it's so old it'll have security issues, and I'm too paranoid to host something like that permanently... I used it as a personal screenshot uploader at 1 point too. Like how sharex can auto upload to catbox or whatever. theres a dev i knew who has done it for years and its a cool proj i think. others can still post, but it serves a purpose for yourself too.

ULTRAKILL Anonymous 02/08/2025 (Sat) 20:14:30 No. 979 [Reply]
Are any hikarins ultrakill gamers?
I am not but is that a character from that game? I saved a bunch of fanart of her accidentally because I mistook her for other bunnies.
>>980 I think its a drawing of v1 as a bunnt (v1 is an ultrakill character)

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名無し 09/04/2023 (Mon) 08:46:21 No. 455 [Reply]
Has an anime or manga ever made you cry?
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Prima Doll, Sakurasou, Onimonogatari, and Beyond the Boundary all made me cry. Lotte no Omocha and No Game No Life didn't quite make me cry, but they made feel...depressed, in a weird roundabout way, like they were too happy, which ended up making me feel sad. Except No Game No Life 0, that one was just normal sad.
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>>455 ping pong the animation
>>455 More times than I can count. I'm already an emotional person, and art, whether it conveys sadness or just beauty, moves me deeply.
>>455 >anime haibane renmei and now and then, here and there made me cry there's a bunch more manga since i read it a lot more than watching anime and i can't think of any off the top of my head

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post your favorite 2hu please 名無し 01/28/2024 (Sun) 10:44:09 No. 839 [Reply]
I like marisa
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i love marisa so much
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>>839 it's mokou but i only have images of my second, third, etc. favourites

Anonymous 02/01/2025 (Sat) 22:34:14 No. 7250 [Reply]
This town ain't big enough for the both of us
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>>7302 heh..... not bad kid...... you've got some power....... but can you withstand THIS??? BEHOLD! おれのスーパーブラストパンチ!!!!!!!!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHHHHHAHAHAHAH
>>7309 fufufufu... now that you have admitted defeat i declare this town IS big enough for the both of us!
>>7323 Makete inai! It's just a tactical move to find a way to get the upper position

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名無し 08/25/2023 (Fri) 14:40:15 No. 416 [Reply]
quintessential/iconic Japanese/otaku webcore images thread i want to save some new fun pictures...
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>>416 A classic.
>>1256 Sounds like my 8th grade health teacher
>>1256 Do you mean to have us beg for source?
>>1258 It's an edited text, but the girl behind is Tohno Akiha from Tsukihime (the original version, not the Remake).

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Anonymous 01/30/2025 (Thu) 01:26:13 No. 7212 [Reply]
For the yellow of the sun and the red of the flower, MELT THE ICE THAT SURROUNDS YOUR HEART, SPRING UP TO LIFE!
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Nihilism is for gaywads, exist because you do exist, all else comes second.
>>7289 >pop nihilism fails because it doesn't answer anything in a meaningful way it is the only correct answer to the question "why keep struggling?", "you don't have to". You might "understand" conditionals but didn't operate correctly under them >thing literally says there is no meaning >wtf why am i not inspired to greater meaning ... In any case those nihilist teenagers killing themselves are just as wise as anybody and braver than any of the smart people who are still alive.
>>7290 >needlessly embrace a situation that you consider unpleasant, because thanks for the input smart guy Not interacting further i don't want to get banned for not playing well with the less fortunate kids
Headache I feel miserable
>>7296 sorry to hear hikarin. hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 06:23:05 No. 7126 [Reply]
Desu desu desu~
Stop gangstalking me glowroody-poo I watched that video a few minutes ago
>>7177 This video was posted here before you watched the video. I think you're the one gangstalking

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Anonymous 01/21/2025 (Tue) 01:35:19 No. 7109 [Reply]
Trying to shoot the bitch
Your fortune: Good Luck
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The backstroke will fucking kill you I swear it
>>7109 You can't shoot Cirno, she's the strongest
>>7118 silly hikarin. that's Cirno from the Touhou Project. >>7130 take that back NOW!
>>7163 >Touhou Project Is it a good anime? Also no, I prefer hot chocolate.
>>7118 Lurk sum moar

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Does anyone miss 2000s otaku culture as well? Neidhardt 03/07/2024 (Thu) 20:44:34 No. 883 [Reply]
you know? moe magical girl anime, dakimakuras, akihabara fetishism, the "i hate 3D girls" kind of otaku ...kinda like takumi nishijou from chaos head
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>>1247 Based I wonder why exactly things went so askew with anime but back when normalfags were not invading it the ecosystem was much cleaner. What saddens me however is that normalfags are the fuel for the embrace extend extinguish model, and that they are also characterized by a strong lack of persistence. Since anime fell in their hands, it means it inevitably is going to become shittier and shittier with time, and at some point I think normalfags will move to something new. But after they do, anime won't be resurrected. Another scenario, anime will become the same thing as videogames. Either way, I see little hope ahead. In recent years, decent anime simply doesn't exist. Well it's possible to hunt down something watchable once in while, but it's nothing compared to 00s and the beginning of 10s.
>>1247 this is kind of unrelated but I don't think that image really makes sense for most imageboards, this is, communities that made their name raiding, creating lolcows and ridiculous stunts to troll the media (and become popular). it isn't hard to stay isolated now that most of the internet has been reduced to maybe 10 platforms >>1249 I have been consuming anime since the 00s but I never felt the need to talk about it or interact with the "community" at all so I don't care about that. however, I don't think the rise in popularity has produced any significant change in the content. the trends have changed, the tropes and cliches are better defined now and the animation styles have changed, but none of it seems to be related to the change in demographics one thing that surprised me when I looked into it was that normal people are discovering stuff like yuru yuri and loving it; I naively thought they would prefer "teen dramas" like chainsaw man and such, or romcoms. those genres are more popular, but I don't think the "ratio" so to speak has changed. there has been a decrease in moe shows, with almost not kirara magazine adaptations in the last 8 seasons. hopefully the rise in popularity will reverse this trend and I will have more moe anime to enjoy
>>1251 >but none of it seems to be related to the change in demographics why then exactly it looks like shit? it's been ages since i saw anything new that would put effort both in production and in plot. it's either well drawn bullshit or shittily drawn semi decent plot. fuck! i don't demand world tier suspension or whatever just make it look fucking coherent or whatever so i don't feel like watching slop
>>1252 the low animation quality comes from cost cutting, not popularity. if anything, cheap shows are made to promote the series' manga, novel and associated paraphernalia (the real money makers) to the "real" otaku rather than to the general public, and maybe wouldn't exist if animation was as expensive as it used to be as I see it, the genres that get good quality animation now are more or less the same that did so 15 years ago. for example, compare the animation of bakemonogatari to any other show from that season. compare the number of shows per season back then and now too one change that does bother me is that comedy shows are less frequent now, I don't think there has really been anything similar to szs or joshiraku lately, but even back then, the otaku were much more interested in school dromance (like bakemonogatari) so it probably has more to do with publishing houses and editors losing interest in the genre rather than a demographic switch. I imagine it is because it's harder to sell merchandise when the audience doesn't self-insert and isn't made to feel emotionally attached to the characters
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Huh, I saw this thread on 4/jp/, I guess I'll chime in my thoughts, In my opinion I think there's kinda no point in being an Otaku/Weeaboo in today's society. Not because it's shunned or anything like that, but because I think Japan's best days are behind them. Now this is coming from someone who got into the anime scene a little late so take what I say with a grain of salt, I do miss that 2000s era of otaku culture and 2010s mainly because thats where I got my start in posting on 4chan. Nowadays it doesn't feel like there's anything worth looking at anymore or special. NND is dead in the water, Akihabara is a shell of it's former self, Most animus out right now ok-ish but nothing really special comes to my mind. The only thing I can really enjoy is newest episodes of Kamen Rider. It might just be me but this feeling has been aching at me for the longest time.

Takeout Food Anonymous 01/29/2025 (Wed) 03:09:34 No. 7204 [Reply]
How often do you order takeout? I've been doing it too much. I'm too damn lazy to either go out or cook myself
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>>7209 why???
About once a week. But as >>7205 Said, I only order stuff I can't make at home
Can you make a hikarin at home?
>>7218 order a hikarin
Obedient hikarin

Anonymous 01/30/2025 (Thu) 22:02:44 No. 969 [Reply]
been playing a lot of Oblivion recently. managed to get out of the map during the quest where you enter the guy's magic painting. i love the jank of old Bethesda games.
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okay well, maybe it's not all that big
i did it guys, i found oblivion.
Will you die now?
>>973 when one is taken by oblivion, it is not death, for death implies existence. death is a state of being. i will not be dead, rather it will be like i never existed at all. do not cry for me, sweet hikarin, for there will be nothing to cry over.
>>974 I will bear remembrance so one day your soul may be reborn again

hello hikari3 Anonymous 01/24/2025 (Fri) 19:12:20 No. 7148 [Reply]
hi just found this site very nice and cozy site =v= epic styling!
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>>7160 Neat? I want to claw my eyes out when I look at it. People making imageboards should learn from syrno or if they can't, settle for default looks of wakaba/kusaba/vichan/whatever.
>>7165 be nice to our friends. the site has sovl.
after browsing it a bit i actually quite like rotting angels i think. it does have sovl and i like the changeable icons and posticons. i'll have to lurk moar.
>>7155 site looks better with the other themes, more "typical" imageboard styles
>>7148 what if i told you that there are roody-poos here?

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Anonymous 01/25/2025 (Sat) 23:43:21 No. 1053 [Reply]
You know those programs with in-terminal GUIS (e.g alsamixer), how does that work?
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>>1053 it's called TUI, in principle you can make one just using your terminal's protocol. there are libraries like pdcurses, termbox2, crossterm or ncurses that include utility functions and add a compatibility layer so you don't have to learn the different terminal protocols. and then there are higher level libraries that even come with widgets and multi-platform input handling like tuibox, libtickit*, libvaxis or ratatui* these last two don't depend on any curses emulator and use their own, significantly less bloated, stacks there is also imtui if you want a terminal backend for imgui *: c **: zig ***: rust
I think I dreamed about programming something like this in C Weird

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Anonymous 01/26/2025 (Sun) 00:22:57 No. 7180 [Reply]
is she Gay?
You can hardly judge somebody for beinggay when you are quite gay yourself.
>>7182 how did you know!?
>>7189 Your face betrays you immediately
i want 2 shitpost

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Anonymous 01/21/2025 (Tue) 12:54:59 No. 7112 [Reply]
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>>7194 yea you desacrated the constitution
>>7195 yummy >>7196 wut
fried yummy
fried tractor

GURPS game Anonymous 01/23/2025 (Thu) 03:52:18 No. 7143 [Reply]
I'm planning on running a GURPS campaign, the idea is that it is a Metal Gear inspired campaign, but across different timelines/alt-Earths. You, the player, would be playing as a mercenary (one of my players described it as an XCOM pawn) that is being sent in to investigate a reported sighting of a Metal Gear in ᛋᛋ controlled Burgundy. Points are 250/-50 for disadvantages. The books that will be needed are: Basic Set Action (1,4) Gun Fu High Tech If you need help making characters just let me know.
Your fortune: Bad Luck
>> ^ This is where we'll be gaming. There's a dicksword link in the description.
I forgot but we'll start playing on the 7th of February

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Upcoming games thread! Anonymous 09/22/2023 (Fri) 20:00:30 Id:037e5e No. 357 [Reply]
a thread where you talk about games that aren't out yet. really, i just didn't want to make separate threads for every new game that i saw that i wanted to share. there's this dungeon-crawling jrpg that was shown off at Tokyo Game Show that looks cute. it's called Witch and Lillies. it looks like Etrian Odyssey, but your party members can date each other.
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>>667 >>669 >i hope we get lots of trailers seems like i'm getting my wish, there's just a deluge of information coming out...
>>670 >koe Holy shit, hasn't this been in development for almost a decade now? I thought it was long dead. In the meantime the game was being made I already reached a somewhat satisfactory level of Japanese, so I don't know if it will be of any use for me now Hopefully it turns out to be good and help whoever is just starting to learn
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>>357 Welp here are my most anticipated games im looking forward to(Id also add nightrunners to this picture but steam only has page for the prologue) there are more unreleased games in my wishlist but these 4 are main ones
>>924 oh yeah I also forgot to mentioned that im interested in DoA Prism(the dating sim) but its not in my wishlist since im european and game is for asian region only

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Anonymous 01/15/2025 (Wed) 06:17:32 No. 7000 [Reply]
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The 7k get is a lie
>>7128 Elaborate
Who Artix here?
>>7137 Artix is a linux distribution that tries (I wonder if successfully) to fix Arch's design flaws, mainly - systemd.

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 21:00:45 No. 7136 [Reply]
You should take it easy when you're on the computer
I'll punch you until you take touhou religion seriously shouldn't be easy enough on you
>shouldn't of course I meant "should"
Your fortune: (YOU ARE BANNED)
yeah thanks for banning me syrno I appreciate your kindness!
Your fortune: Bad Luck

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Visual Novel Anonymous 05/27/2024 (Mon) 21:58:26 No. 718 [Reply]
let's have visual novel thread. >how many VN have you read? >what is the best VN you've read? >what is the worst? I've only read a bit of thee house in fata morgana haha
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i honestly haven't played many VNs. where on the seven seas can i find them with translations?
>>752 These days? Steam. There are a few games that have fan patches, like Steins;Gate or Higurashi. I'd start with Steins;Gate and install the above patch or with Raging Loop (no patch needed).
>how many VNs have you read? 76 according to my VNDB >what is the best VN you've read? Muv Luv Alternative/Muv Luv trilogy. Someone said this up thread though, so to be special, and my favourite changes with the wind between these two anyway - Mahoyo >what is the worst? I tend not to play or watch bad things, so luckily most VNs I've read are good. But Root Letter and Narcissu suck. No idea why the latter is popular And to blab about Mahoyo, my goodness is it a beautiful game. I mean in terms of visuals, yes, but it's writing (I didn't read it in Japanese, but God bless the translator) and themes felt like a dream to read. It made me laugh, smile and cry, it felt like it was made for me. I remember watching Doremi as a child and wishing I could grow up to be a witch kek, Mahoyo was like Doremi for adult-me. Also I want to marry Soujuurou, plz give him a figure when the movie comes out, and a body pillow too Kami-sama!!! And and, does anyone else wish more VNs had visual styles like Muv Luv where the characters fully interact with the environment? Like, if a character is in a doorway, their sprite would be in the doorway, not plastered on the screen. I've never seen anyone talk about this specifically, but I wish more VNs did it
>>725 I raw dog it and read untranslated novels without knowing or ever planning on knowing Japanese. I'm used to this kind of thing, when my family fled to the US I didn't know a single word in English so I just watched cartoons without understanding the words.
>>742 Emi best ass
Edited last time by admin on 01/22/2025 (Wed) 07:29:55.

Anonymous 01/20/2025 (Mon) 23:22:39 No. 7104 [Reply]
Has any new progress been made on the Fight?
No but i just played the last 20 moves of a 2+2 chess game with 10 seconds on the clock to win, my opponent lost with 49 seconds on the clock
>>7105 Good job hikarin
Thanks hehe

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Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 12:11:32 No. 7025 [Reply]
Stinky altchan.
(This poster stinks)
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>>7079 I haven't showered since as last year!
Your fortune: Godly Luck
>>7080 How much do you stink?
>>7088 not as much as you
>>7089 But I don't take showers for years on end like you do buddy, I still shower regularly.
>>7090 Lol what. I shower every day!

Desktop thread Anonymous 07/24/2023 (Mon) 12:34:30 No. 79 [Reply] [Last]
How does your desktop look like /t/? How ricy is it?
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>>1034 I enjoy his music, that's all. >>1035 seperate art from artist. I don't care about sewerslvt's personal opinions as long as they don't mix it into their music.
>>1035 >name you init system NOW blehhhhhh neverrrrr
>>1037 why?
i don't spend a lot of time ricing
syrno spotted

Anonymous 01/17/2025 (Fri) 00:30:34 No. 7032 [Reply]
¿uoıʇɐsɹǝʌuoɔ ǝɔıu ɐ ǝʌɐɥ ɐuuɐʍ ʎpoqʎuɐ
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>>7072 >I don't take people who have never cut seriously anyway it's not about being "serious". only a psychopath cuts another in a non military context. but even in peaceful context it's dangerous to fight somebody with a weapon. when you get beaten head clicks and you don't really understand what you're doing. i've seen normal people go to jail unintentionally because of that. head just clicked and that's it.
>>7074 Well, if you want things to change how about you make mfh available over the darknet? Can't? Then I won't care for the rest of this conversation. Like, how are people supposed to endure friendgots like you and your friendgottry (>>7044)? You must die. Humans are funny you guys will do anything for a kick, I like the whole "your freedom ends where mine starts", le instead lets everybody trample over me, and if it isn't le i can't kill people because this and that and this and that reason fucking come on I really want to see how a human's red and white blend rn
man they have cleaned the client-server internet of gore man
i give you a schizo certificate be proud

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Anonymous 12/20/2024 (Fri) 14:10:55 No. 6783 [Reply]
what do you do when you are bored??
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>>7052 Let's proceed together friend I am currently undergoing struggle against porn after a relapse. Defeated an urge just half an hour earlier. It's hard starting from scratch all over again but I plan to first overcome these urges to watch porn before I set myselfriendainst urges to jerk off
>myselfriendainst lol wtf fix: myselfriendainst
syrno are you fucking screwing with me? myselfriendainst myself. against
Your fortune: Bad Luck
oh dear god i wish i never learn how you came up with that idea
Your fortune: (YOU ARE BANNED)
>screwing with or should it be messing? can i use word 'screw' in the context at all?
Your fortune: Godly Luck
