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01/20/25 A total rewrite for the site is in progress. Read more.
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12/21/23 Recent news post: Check here. Also, new board added: /i/ - Oekaki.
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Anonymous 07/21/2024 (Sun) 22:50:42 No. 5649
it do be like that
I do grammar by intuition too, so I don't even get to know how people spot my esl heritage
>>5649 *dead* board
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>>5652 kill yourself English is a shit language
Proud not to be anglo or deriviative
>>5654 which one is food though >kys how about double suicide? you and i. should be pretty romatic
>food fix: good*
>>5656 Only good languageis your native language other can fuck off im against learning foregin languages I only know English cause of American globalizartion peer presure essentially
It has come to the point where childern here know english better then our native one

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