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Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 12:18:28 No. 6182
This place is still alive?
No it's dead
can confirm
Sure would be nice if your thread was an entertaining contribution >there are more new banners than posts Clearly mods care
My dear newbie. You must learn that there is no such thing as a dead comfy altchan. Hikari is very comfy. It means it can't be dead. As simple as that. So long as it's running, it's alive. And will stay so. Instead of shaking violently in fear of loneliness, create a post, share something you like and write some engaging text. People will reach out. I will reach out. You just make a move. I'd do it too, but now isn't the time. I don't have anything I could share the way I want.
I am alive. Have a free kiss here
>>6182 comfy altchans rarely die, they're like jank pre-2000s webforums that survive until their domains lapse if anything this place will stay archived forevermore when anons finally stop posting
I won't stop posting until I get a life and it doesn't look like I will, so you're welcome
>>6197 > "there's no such thing as a dead comfy altchan." Hikari3.ch is already a dead as an anonymous, English-language imageboard website, in terms of potential activity. Although, it has a few anonymous online Internet users that post threads and replies, the majority of them passively observe and lurk around threads and replies. This includes all anonymous imageboard websites, not just Hikari3.ch. I'm pretty sure that the OP is saying that Hikari3.ch is dead because of limited activity on imageboard (thread and replies), not Hikari3.ch itself. (It being active as a website)
>>6206 You'll eventually stop posting threads or replies on Hikari3.ch regardless of not having a life. Trust me.
>>6205 > "comfy altchans rarely die, they're like jank pre-2000s webforums that survive until their domains lapse" You may want to take that back. While it's true that certain websites, including anonymous imageboard websites like 4chan and 8chan, exist and survive until their domain name lapses, there's no other existing comfy imageboard websites prior to the 2000s. (Also, you can't really tell the future, it may or may not be there) > "if anything this place will stay archived forevermore when anons finally stop posting" The website could be still active and archived, but of course, the posted threads and replies won't. To conclude this reply, there could be a potential outcome of this website dying due to limited activity, but the website could be archived and alive.
>>6182 You know what OP, I think you're right. This place is completely dead. Why do anonymous imageboard websites like these always lack limited activity?
>>6236 If it's dead, share it with other people that might be interested in a site like this and post more
If you approach a website and proclaim it dead, it might actually die. If you approach a website and start posting without thinking about future, just posting, it might actually stay alive. The problem is that I very rarely post threads in general, so I can't create what would seem like activity. We have guys in /v/ playing games, for example which is impressive. That said, stop being dead outside. Being dead inside is more than enough.
Just came back here after a while There's multiple posts a day. Not a lot of imageboards can say that. I'd say it's pretty alive and nice, maybe even moreso than when I left
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>>6245 Just a good period. I feel like tons of people visit altchans, but not always do they find threads they would be interested in.
>>6246 This is how i feel a lot of the time. I lurk this website pretty often, but I'm just really boring and dont know enough about something / don't have anything worthwhile to add.
>>6247 that's okay hikarin. your presence is appreciated!
WHAT THE FUCK Hikarin what did you do to the site???
it's kinda dead yeah, just use heyuri it's way more active
if you don't like how dead it is here, you should probably post more
>>6270 for an altchan, getting 4-10 posts a day is pretty damn good. be nice.
Heyuri posters have terminal shitposting syndrome. I don't think they know what it means to be nice, at least half of the time.
>>6270 > "it's kinda dead yeah, just use heyuri it's way more active" Heyuri isn't a really good imageboard website. Although that the imageboard has an old-fashioned and pre-2000 style (looking like old-school 4chan), the online community and its internet culture is absolute grossworthy and underwhelming. They even made a whole wiki website dedicated to the imageboard. (https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Main_Page) It's ridiculous, but at the same time, pretty embarrassing and hilarious.
Indeed. I'm coming on this website at least three times a day.
>>6237 Yeah, I don't know if I can promote it.
>>6288 why not?
>>6286 Heyuri is just like modern 4chan, except instead of the marker of low quality spam being a frog, it's キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!
heyuri is down... one other chan i frequent as well. what is happening?
>>6309 syrno is sabotaging other altchans to get more people here... how diabolical....
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>>6310 syrno
>>6309 kuz forgot to pay the bills probably
Your fortune: Outlook good
Maybe AIDS actually killed him this time.
One of the big problems of this site is that most of its userbase a "bros" who hang out together in various instant messaging places. Then they bring that instant messaging format to imageboards, but it is simply contrary to imageboard's nature, so all boards that are infected by it either die or turn to cesspools.
>>6445 is this true? i don't interact with others on this site outside of this site except for the game night. do other altchans have the same issue?
>>6446 I think it is true. >do other altchans have the same issue Not all, but many. It is not really an issue until people begin forgetting the difference between an imageboard and a chat. Unfortunately they do, in wast majority of cases. Also chats usually allow very close interactions with admins and mods and for some reason it always ends up being harmful, this is some deep psychological issue with all humans. It is unironically better when admins remain anons and don't let on their true privileges.
>>6447 I don't think it always ends up being harmful. I mean BBS sysops back in the day were usually pretty chatty with anyone who connected and they were fine. Sure, a lot of admins abuse their powers these days, but its disingenuous to say that all do.
>>6448 Don't compare BBS to imageboards, they are altogether different entities and I swear most of former BBS ops will openly tell you imageboards are not forums and will be openly derisive towards anonymous sites. I know by experience. I don't blame them, though. They're mostly correct.
If I get a good fortune I am going to do something useful
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Thanks god
>>6642 if i get a good fortune this hikarin has to do something useful
i don't know what they mean by being useful nor do i know if that's a good fortune so i guess this ends in a draw
Your fortune: Bad Luck

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