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Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 16:04:25 No. 6282
koko ni imasu wa!
Let's make out
>>6285 watakushi ha rokudemonai hetare desukeredomo... sore demo... ii no desuka?
I'm afraid I might regret actually translating this so I'll leave it as it is and pretend everything's alright.
>>6292 Kimi ga rokudemonai hetare nante uso deshō? ī hito da shi.
>>6412 You will not seduce me!
>>6413 there is no way this undeveloped body can seduce anyone
>>6426 I literally barely hold off.
>>6427 from inserting it into the charging port?
>>6432 From lecturing you about Good and Evil
(664.04 KB 1191x941 1728311536425.png)
>>6433 are lolis good or evil?
>>6437 lolis are innocent and pure! surely they can't be evil right?
>>6437 To answer this we would need to answer the question, what is the nature of lolis? Arguably, and supported by many a wise man out there, a loli must be manifestation of purity. Why so? Can't we notice how lolis are cheerful and carefree and generally not concerned with implications of the world? It is such because they are born pure and free of Evil. Some argue that Evil is human nature, but they are easily countered by this example. If a loli is born pure, how can she acquire Evil? Thus it is evident, that Evil is learned behavior, corruption introduced by circumstances, feedback reaction to the existing Evil outside that ends up producing and maintaining itself. What is more Good in the whole world than an intention free of Evil and malice? What kind of a person believes Evil can be a good? From this it is possible to conclude that a loli is a universally Good creature. I must warn you, however, that this purity is only maintained as long as the loli is protected from Evil influences of this world. Now, you mere desire to plug you straw into the charger is a manifestation of corruption thus Evil. By this very thought you endanger the purity and goodness of a loli. And if you can't comprehend the depth of this message and the consequences of it, you are truly part of the Evil, even if unknowingly, in which case I advise you to exercise utmost attention to your actions and thoughts. If you want the common statement about lolis being Good and pure to hold, you will have to join the Fight to protect them against corruption, to remove altogether your desire to get any reward from it except that the loli stays pure, you must have no pretenses and not even the slightest thought of infringement of what is not yours to claim. Can you exhibit such purity of mind to me? For this is the one and only condition under which you can engage into the Fight against Evil.
>>6439 Can the loli learn to Fight against Evil?
>>6464 I never thought about it much, to be honest. Since loli will eventually grow up, there are no reasons for her to not be able to Fight. But so long as she stays loli... Technically, it is possible to preserve the purity of mind after getting into the Fight, in practice, it is as hard as "completing life" would be if life was a game, so the loli with high probability will end up changing under the influence of knowledge of the Fight and Evil, most likely even temporarily leaning to Evil in the process, since such is the nature of learning. And by the time she is ready for the Fight she will have been too old to be considered loli. The main charm of lolis is the pure and innocent ignorance of youth and ignorance is not compatible with the Fight. So overall I think that if we want lolis to stay objects of beauty, and not objects of lustful desire, we should protect them from even the knowledge of Evil until Providence decides it's time for them to grow up. And then they won't be loli anymore.
A pure soul does whatever it wants, you cant so you are impure, but you can struggle to solve that !? That is the foundation of buddhism, a laughable one. Now, do you know what actually empowers somebody? Makes them mentally strong and capable of accomplishing things in the real world through hard work? Not caring, strange coincidence is that the nihilistic navigate their mundane time with a mind less corrupted than the Fight spammer.
>>6467 Prove your point. I laugh at you as you seethe about your nihilism and you call yourself better? FWIW I don't tell you to start caring, suffer whatever you want, but if you would listen to my advice, kiwifarms is the other direction.
>>6469 The burden of proof is on you, why should the gentlemen in here join your Fight. or even be exposed to your childish text walls?
>>6470 I could ask the same of you
>>6472 You have low iq
>>6474 Thank you for the insight
Good to see some Fighters out there
>>6482 hikarin.... what must i do to enter the Fight? what is expected of me...?
>>6483 >what must i do to enter the Fight? Pay attention to everything you do in order to always try to exhibit the good will. Remember that you can only loose that which you claimed to be yours, but the ability to claim things as belonging or not belonging to you, you cannot loose. If you suffer something, think, is it because you claimed something as yours, when it is not yours? If so, make the opposite claim and believe it with your soul. But if the pain comes from outside, use your endurance to the maximum extent possible. And the most important, something I myself forget often, is to remember that [i]Rarely I ask Never I beg Often I collapse Always I rise again[/i] >what is expected of me...? To be honest with yourself before anyone else. Good luck
By the way, if you expected a more funny reply, once you grasped the basics of being attentive to your own actions, it can all be simplified. Here's ->Evil<- PUNCH IT IN THE FACE UNTIL IT CEASES TO EXIST
Why did you do it? What do you want me to do? Effort post with some pictures? I can even come up with the damn descriptions to them. I can even do that honestly, so to say with open heart. Do you not understand? Some things MUST be done. There is simply no way around them. Sometimes, some means, unappealing at first, are necessary. Why do you choose to go the easy route? Don't blind yourself to the necessity. I don't even mean to do you harm. How can you all be so cold
I don't even know what to do with any of you. It is just such a stark ignorance. For example, did you know that OP declares his presence here? Who actually paid attention? Even OPpic perfectly aligns with his message. And nobody even cared to greet him or tell him he's not alone.
>>6292 This poster actually went in and PUT EFFORT to write this romanized message. And again the picture perfectly aligns with the post, he is shy and nobody even cares to say anything to him. You just ghosted him >is it ok Yes, it is OK. Although I can't really translate any of it without resorting to asking the machine to help me. Which is pathetic. Imagine learning a language and not being able to talk to anyone in this language
>>6426 And this is the ultimate demise of this thread. I don't really know why. Years upon years, I observed how reducing conversation to lews topics kills it without any chance to rehabilitate. It happens all the time. Just let your guard slip for a while and indulge into discussing lewd girls doing lewd things and it's the end. The strangest part about it is that it is probably the only topic everyone agrees on. Everyone enjoys it, everyone finds it funny, indulging, etc, but it dies first. Always dies first. Whatever thread becomes dedicated to posting cute girls dies. This is ultimately harmful to allow yourself to do it too much. Human brain doesn't make sense in this regard at all. Also, a funny observation, that as far as cute 2D girls are concerned, you can't even start much of a drama. For one reason or another, people just avoid doing it. The only exception are probably 4chan bots. But I dare you to discuss something beyond lewd. Something that requires putting clothes off, and people will be gladly killing each other over the smallest disagreements in the field. I wonder if being able to discuss lewd topics so freely is actually healthy at all
Here's a Cirno to help you forgive my sins! And she is not lewd, because you are way too horny! No horny!
(347.06 KB 1052x816 sick.jpg)
>>6502 Must block... lewd... thoughts... very... difficult
>>6503 Do you want to be touched in weird places!?
>>6562 Please translate!
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