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Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 12:36:49 No. 6341
/en/, ask Reisen anything.
>>6341 r u cia?
>>6341 did they really nail down your bunny ears to your head, did it hurt?
>>6352 My condolences.
>>6341 Do you host usagi.reisen?
>>6355 Actually, I never heard of that website. Seems pretty interesting! I was thinking about image boards on federated instances a few months ago, but in hindsight should have known it already existed. Is it a nice place? Are there other federated imageboards you can crosspost to?
Can you hug me?
>>6359 Hop on there and ask.
>>6364 Can we cuddle?
I've been wondering about all altchans being dead and I am confused here. Should we just post in one place? Nobody knows about it, doesn't work. Should we post in many places? Doesn't work, too few people above 18. There's a library on 9chan lv it's big, half of the sites are dead and it is a chore to figure out which sites have people on them. Besides, hikari was added on my request, so the author probably misses a lot of good boards. Reisen, generate a strategy to accumulating info about worthwhile altchans. Then we could quietly invite adequate posters to other cozy places they're not aware of. On small altchans it is not very hard to recognize people, some don't even try to hide.
>>6442 I mean we could also just build a webring... Not the "imageboard webring" run by smugloli, sleepychan and others, by the way. But we could run the same plugin but only federate with actually comfy sites - like wapchan or 39chan.
>>6443 >39chan Please link?
>>6462 Thank you very much >vocaloid I'm not interested in this kind of music so I can't post there
>>6462 >vocaloid I am super into it, but there are too many boards for how small the community is.
>>6462 its all len boypron
how do i stop using internet seriously what the heck i scroll imageboards 24/7 and can't stop
>>6608 you should try doomscrolling on instagram or tiktok
>>6610 good way to melt your brain
>>6611 thats how i melted mine like it already wasnt melted enough
question is, how do i unmelt it? eating sugar doesn't help
so i end up wasting myself away day after day hunting that one fulfilling interaction but it can never come because i am such a person that is naturally incompatible with things capable of being fulfilling. this sucks
>>6613 depending on how melted my brain is i either read a book or go for a walk! i guess either something that can hold your focus for a while in a constructive way or something that can help clear your mind. >>6614 what kind of fulfilling interaction are you looking for?
>>6615 >what kind of fulfilling interaction are you looking for? the kind that makes you say 'phew it was so pleasant to talk with you!'
>>6617 なるほど。。。 those kind of conversations don't usually just come out of nowhere, i really only have them with people i feel connected to. i'm sure you'll find that someone hikarin.
>>6618 wish i did but it wasn't meant for me. my mentality is too unfit for finding connections
>>6619 a person's mentality can be changed. nobody stays the same forever.
>>6620 autists of this world say you hello!
>>6621 i work with autists, am friends with autists, and even am dating an autist. there is hope for you yet, friend. you are not unlovable or unworthy just because you're different.
>>6622 do you even know what's real autism like? just being a bet awkward isn't autism. autism is when you get aaa tier obnoxious without noticing it. no sane person would endure it, so real autists don't even make friends between themselves because they piss each other off. i had a friend once he tolerated me because we knew each other since childhood but life separated us. the sorriest thing to ever happen to me. now i'm grown up, nobody's gonna care. they hardly cared in uni already, but in the world of big and important adults i'm not even noise. don't even have skills to shown off
>>6623 i may not truly understand how it feels to be autistic, but i do understand that it's more than just being awkward. every autist i've come to know doesn't understand social etiquette or the unspoken rules for interacting with others. to others they may seem weird or gross because of this and get ostracized. they also get quite upset or anxious when their routines change or things are "out of place". and of course everyone knows about autistic obsessions. i know an autist who loves James Cameron's Avatar so much that they can speak the Na'Vi language! i think autistic people are wonderful in their own way. that includes you i'm sure. it may take some adjustment or coaching to learn social normalcy but many autists successfully integrate with society and live decently normal lives. >but in the world of big and important adults i'm not even noise. don't even have skills to shown off i'm sorry you feel this way hikarin. y'know, i don't think you're alone in how you feel. loneliness is an epidemic in the developed world. i'm sure your autism doesn't help but unfortunately many people-including the neurotypical- are lonely in our atomized world. it's truly unfortunate. as for being important, most people aren't important in the grand scheme. we live our lives and find importance in those around us, usually never really amounting to anything beyond a satisfying death at best. the so-called "world of big and important adults" really isn't all that big or important. i don't say this as a negative thing, though. i enjoy life. life is about having experiences. i guess my point is the "adult world" really isn't as scary or impossible as you may think. i hope the best for you.
ultimately i am nothing but words on an anonymous imageboard to you, so i know that i'm not gonna magically turn your life around or bring you to some life-changing realization, but i wanted to at least offer some words of encouragement. i believe in the power of every person to find a life they enjoy. this includes you and everyone else on this site. i just ask that you don't give up without finding some of the wonderful things life can offer.
okay i'll try not to give for the next hour
I avoided giving up for an entire hour! Now my anxiety is back slowly disintegrating to pieces and I have to fight against a flood of razor sharp thoughts telling me to kill myself as soon as possible This is going to be another wonderful night spent contemplating all the beauty of life I'm so happy!
I swear one day I'll earn the money, buy insurance and go get prescribed some pills until then I'm going to have to enjoy every last drop of this sweet nectar called consciousness
The white creatures have been pestering me more than usual, fuck them .
What are white creatures?
>>6631 Large and bendy figures with long appendices that inhabit the corners of my field of vision, they crawl, peek from intersections, windows and make cracking noises all through the night. My connection with nature (proof of existence) keeps me sane, I temporarily strengthen it by doing the sign of the cross, even though I am not particularly fond of abrahamic infant-blood-sacrificing religions.
but I guess normal people call it "being scared of the dark"
>>6634 ur just schizo bro
>>6633 Those are snowlakes, close hikari3 tab please Anyway there's nothing worse than them screwing you again. They're different for every person but they come after everyone. I don't know why some people deny
>>6341 why is this imageboard so fuggin creepy?? what did LHC to humanity once it began its rounds? what are nightmares? what is life? what is reality?
>>6685 >why is this imageboard so fuggin creepy?? What do you mean? Do you dare me to a fight? >what did LHC to humanity once it began its rounds? Revealed that physics are gay and that reality doesn't exist outside of your strife become a better soul. >what are nightmares? Bubbles injected by Evil into reality that are meant to disturb you and distract you from the Fight >what is life? To live is to Fight In a chaotic system meaning cannot be derived to be a constant. Purpose of the flow is the flow itself. Join the fight and you shall see >what is reality? Reality is nothing more than a ripple created by contest of will between Good and Evil
>>6687 >Do you dare me to a fight? if its necessary how can i recognize good vs evil?? if i rely on the how is what, then lots, and lots are evil!! what tools to fight with in the flow? i am afraid.
>>6690 welp,enough of answers. a better soul. for whatevers worth. good day.
>>6690 >i am afraid Everyone who truly engages in Fight must come through fear, but it is necessary to emerge victorious. The distinction between Good and Evil is made by probing the true intention of will. Whoever wishes to make a good act is guided by this principle, that whatever he does, he should always in future be able to reflect upon the act and say to himself "it was a beautiful thing to do" in a pure and honest way. But whoever is even slightly aware that his actions are contaminated, is committing Evil. For not even blood thirsty psychopaths perceive themselves as good, but instead admit that they had to act in ugly ways to achieve whatever was their purpose. But it is Evil to do so, for in truth, no end is worth itself, if it cannot be achieved in a beautiful way.
>>6341 Does hikari have an external thread watcher somewhere out there? The native one seems to fail miserably
>>6705 You don't need thread watchers just keep Fighting and check in once in a while
FWIW I'm aware of somebody who supposedly successfully employed urlwatch (https://thp.io/2008/urlwatch/). Also check out your rss reader capabilities maybe it can notify as well.

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