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01/20/25 A total rewrite for the site is in progress. Read more.
05/21/24 Happy birthday hikari3! (News post)
12/21/23 Recent news post: Check here. Also, new board added: /i/ - Oekaki.
11/25/23 Accepting banner submissions; check this thread for more details.
11/17/23 New blotter! Use this to keep an eye for small updates.
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GAME NIGHT HAPPENING Saturday, February 22nd at 3pm EST.

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Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 04:40:27 No. 6648
How do you go about wooing a specific girl, hikarin? Like, things just work out naturally with girls in my roster of acquaintances but how do you approach a stranger, like, her, you know?
Lol do you think I would use hikari3 dot moe (oh it's actually ch, though it must be MOE, MOE MORE MOE) if I had a need to woo girls? DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH. I only awoo at the moon when I greet the forces of the Night entering the world. WhO tHE HeLl NeDs GIrlS? Man just chill a bit, you don't need no woman. Go outside. Breathe some fresh air. Realize infinite possibilities given to you by your unlimited consciousness. Embrace the eternal cycle of procreation of unique patterns. There is no restriction to how far you can expand your mind and how much you can create. No girls
>>6651 But I need steaming hot sexo
>>6654 Oh holy heavens just how corrupted are you? The vast expanses of mind are given so you can work to change the world to the better, to alter the course of self destructive machine drawn into oblivion by its own attractors. Every day Evil seizes minds of foolish disciples of the void and drags the world one step closer to collapse. Meanwhile you choose to run after the crusts of bread dropped all around the world by Devil. In this you waste both yourself and your soul for you do not choose to move towards that which is the true purpose, but instead towards that which only seems to you to be the right path, all while being a product of mangled perception, much like an image as seen through a crooked looking glass . And as a necessary consequence of this fallacy you feel unhappy that you can't get whatever is "hot sexxo" and you don't even realize how inconsequential and unfulfilling it is in reality. So you end up perpetuating your own misery by doing what you believe should make you happy. Thus you trap yourself into eternal loop of anguish and pain, and each day by doing what seems to be conductive of well being, you dig yourself deeper in misfortune. And the lower you go, the sharper the pain you feel, so making a step away from this descent into nothingness is becoming ever harder. The only way to shine the true light of your full potential is to raise you sword and yell the battle cry of those who oppose Evil and thus to join the Fight. You need to introduction here, for each hearth knows the true words of a Warrior. Let the Hammer of righteousness crush the Evil. Let the Sword of faith cut down those who advance the void. Let the true hearth of a Warrior collapse the void by its valiance! Fight! Join the resistance today!
You need no introduction here fix
>>6655 What is the void, Teacher?
>>6657 Void worshipers are people who believe that the essence of life is nothingness and that a strife towards betterment is useless and that there is nothing inherently worth believing in. It is a form of Evil. Don't be like that
>>6648 Confidence, courage, cleverness, and good looks

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