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01/20/25 A total rewrite for the site is in progress. Read more.
05/21/24 Happy birthday hikari3! (News post)
12/21/23 Recent news post: Check here. Also, new board added: /i/ - Oekaki.
11/25/23 Accepting banner submissions; check this thread for more details.
11/17/23 New blotter! Use this to keep an eye for small updates.
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Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 20:03:58 No. 6693
Hello frens, I haven't come here in a long time. A lot has been happening in my life lately. It's good to see that the board is still active. I hope you're all staying comfy
Nice to see a hikarin back How's it going?
Sex with fox girls.
>I hope you're all staying comfy No time to stay comfy every day new battles emerge, why are you not Fighting yet!?
>>6695 Does being horny make your life more fulfilling?
>>6697 Sex with anon
>>6698 Repent right now
>>6694 >How's it going? Busy
>>6693 alot (good) or alot (bad)?
Your fortune: Outlook good
do you enjoy your active life
Your fortune: (YOU ARE BANNED)
>>6693 Cut some wood today, after breaking my grandfather's axe last time cutting a trunk it had no business cutting I was a bit afraid of using the new one so I cut the first 4 with a wedge but the fucking hammer that rested on wet shit for years broke too, who would have guessed? So I just picked up the new axe, said my prayers and cut the next 9 with 2 swings each, then I fought this fucking thing that was like 3 small trunks put together because "damn cutting it down the line seems hard since it's so long, guess I will take the uncharted path" and fuck me each swing it took me a good minute to pull it out again, like 10 swings to cut that shit. I enjoyed myself.
>>6703 last time i was cutting wood i stretched my ligaments. my life is a horror my body is literally weak as paper.
>>6702 I guess so, but I do miss my NEET days
>>6702 Hm, both (?)
>>6707 whaa?
>>6693 Are you still comfy when Christmas is near?
Your fortune: (YOU ARE BANNED)
>>6712 I condemn you to not enjoying it
I just wish there would be more substantive posts here
>>6718 I dare you. You ask for sweet fruits to grow on no mans land. Everyone's either sinning or slacking off or fighting. POST IT YOURSELF NOOOOW
>>6713 What should I enjoy then?
>>6723 There is nothing that can truly fulfill the soul of a man than joining the Fight
>>6693 Picked up an android tablet with pen for taking notes and I've been learning how to draw on it. It's comfy. I hope you're comfy as well hikarin.
>>6693 i think i stopped browsing here after one thread really pissed me off... i think i want to start browsing again, though, i forgot how comfy this place was when i'm not pissed. that and i've been bored and sad lately.
>>6765 shouldn't let some random words on the internet keep you down! hikari is comfy.
Comfy spammers are the worst The new thread theme is cute!

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