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Anonymous 02/09/2025 (Sun) 08:54:20 No. 7369
syrno ban him!
>>7370 What did I do wrong exactly?
>>7373 nothing out of ordinary
>>7369 Imagine your cock between their mouths...
That's cool but look at this Cool Roon I found
Women don't need such large tits for fondling
>>7376 >gachaslop
>>7379 Who the fuck are you quoting.
>>7383 god almighty
>>7384 I don't remember God talking about gachaslop in the bibble or the coryan
>>7387 actually it was in the toora.
>>7387 LOL read better
>>7369 I love this image so much. it makes me wish I was a little boy again. god, now I'm thinking about how much I want to be a kid again
>>7393 You want to be a little boy again so you can kiss little boys as a little boy?
>>7397 well when you put it like that, you make me sound like a perv! ...but um, yeah, kissing other boys... maybe even older boys or men... just let me be a little boy alright! >.<
>>7400 Boy kissing boy slut.
Gay men have never been a funny thing. I don't think it was right to execute/imprison for being gay, but it was the lowest iq decision to make them normal
>>7402 Bit harsh.
>>7390 Show me in the british or in the coriander where God is quoted to have said something about gacha slop; please. I just wanted to know who >>7384 was quoting because it clearly wasn't God.
>>7405 god whispered into my ear while you've been sinning do you dare dispute my authenticity
>>7406 I don't believe you, so honestly I don't understand why you would misuse the quote function
>>7408 surely as someone using an altchan you'd be internet savvy enough to know that greentext has evolved beyond just being used for quotes, and has been for some time.
>>7409 greenteens have no respect for ancient traditions of the past, all of them with their misusing the quote function that God himself created for people to use to quote posts
>>7401 hey! don't call me a slut just for liking boys! >.< I just wish I never hit puberty, I wanna be a boy forever!
>>7412 just become girl, we can cosplay as boys whenever we want
>>7413 nice try! but I'm not a girl!
>>7414 wdym, just use your Go-Go Gadget VAGINA!!
>>7415 no! I don't want a VAGINA!!!!
>>7416 Why is VAGINA a funky text
>>7417 you're going to lose your mind over PENIS
Mmm heyuri folks sweet Their sense of humor is worse than the most autistic retarded humor. And they're proud of it fucking shit
>>7417 because Syrno is silly
are you guys retarded?
>>7421 So?
what the fuck is this thread
>>7423 I'm going to molest you.
>>7422 just asking, why so mean?
>>7425 >Calls us retarded >Respond with "so?" >Y-YOU'RE BEING MEAN TO ME!!!
Boy sex is disgusting???
>>7428 Frotting is kinda based doe.
are these the heyuri posters i've heard about
>>7431 Heyuri doesn't exist.
>>7431 yeah aren't they retarded? :sigh:
>>7431 what is heyuri and why don't we like it? >>7430 frotting...
>>7436 But I like Heyuri
>>7437 what is heyuri and why do we like it?
if you like 'yuri stay at 'yuri, you and kaguya deserve each other. but poisoning other places isn't fair

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