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/h3/ - hikari3 Discussion

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01/20/25 A total rewrite for the site is in progress. Read more.
05/21/24 Happy birthday hikari3! (News post)
12/21/23 Recent news post: Check here. Also, new board added: /i/ - Oekaki.
11/25/23 Accepting banner submissions; check this thread for more details.
11/17/23 New blotter! Use this to keep an eye for small updates.
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Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 16:58:29 No. 618 [Reply]
Could hikari add a nonoko option? Many times I'm in the overboard, visit a thread, reply to it and expect to return to the overboard right away, instead of staying on the thread.
4 posts omitted.
>Many times I'm in the overboard, visit a thread, reply to it and expect to return to the overboard right away, instead of staying on the thread I'm not sure why that happens since it's not the intended effect. it doesn't do that for me so maybe it's a problem on your end? I'm not sure if anyone else has the same issue but i have done this with other computers and it doesn't send me back to the overboard when making a reply. so I'm sorry i cannot find a solution to your problem On a side note, i tested replying to threads with javascript disabled, and i just found out it only makes a new thread when it's supposed to be a reply for some reason >>622 Alright i'll add it soon >>623
>>624 No, it's the opposite. I actually want to be sent to the overboard, and I'm asking if it's possible to have an option for it. Thanks for the attention anyway.
>>625 whoops i misread it as noko for some reason. and the entire post too. i'm an idiot
Edited last time by syrno on 11/07/2024 (Thu) 15:27:06.
>>626 >i'm an idiot Cirno is the smartest do you want to fight???
>>627 i love you fightingposter

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Anonymous 09/27/2023 (Wed) 00:02:53 No. 228 [Reply] [Last]
We need more people here. The site has felt super dead lately, and I typically try to post as much as I can, but I can't be the only poster here. And I don't want this site to die
65 posts and 8 images omitted.
>>476 Yeah, its maddening thats why I like it here. If I wanted to see content from another website I would just go there.
>>228 the best thing any imageboard can do is ban all /pol/ (anyone who cares about politics, doesn't have to mean the /pol/ board specifically) discussion and deny them any way to post their propaganda even when they try to pass off their neo-internet garbage by associating it with otaku culture. that way 99% of bad posters are just barred from the site and the rest like tiktok shit become trivial to delete because the one thing that all of the shitposters have in common is that they use /pol/
Maybe we should make a hikari3 manga. I'll start by thinking of a title and then someone who knows how to draw can make the rest of it.
>>484 >I'll start by thinking of a title and then someone who knows how to draw can make the rest of it. It doesn't work that way, unfortunately. We could write some story of hikari, but this site is so superficial it's hard to come up with an indulging background.

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hikari Matrix room Anonymous 10/20/2024 (Sun) 18:22:18 No. 607 [Reply]
Can we switch to Matrix instead? dicksword is gay
1 post omitted.
>>608 We got IRC?
>>609 irc://
>>610 Do you have free hugs there???
>>608 because of muh images
>>612 use image links from

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to the admin/creator Anonymous 08/07/2024 (Wed) 21:21:53 No. 579 [Reply]
why did you deleted the board /aca/ (=academy)? it was a pretty good board and kind of unique and niche and it was used quit frequently. I know what you're going to say: I deleted it because there isn't much traffic to sustain a lot of boards. if you stick with "normal" boards for a standard imageboard, you're going to get standard users and not so much attractivness. /aca/ would have bring new people on h3. Bonus: do you know how many people come to h3/use this imageboard? Thank you
4 posts omitted.
>>579 I do really like this board and the theme is really cool but I agree with your point about normal boards and attracting users.
I wanna post more on /aca/ but I don't know what fits if anything
>>586 stuff related to the natural sciences and the humanities, pretty much
hi hikarin you created this board i'm gonna blame my bad luck fortune on you right?
Your fortune: Good Luck
okay you're vindicated!

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Anonymous 01/28/2024 (Sun) 20:27:34 No. 451 [Reply]
>NO raids, politics, useless posts, pepes, and woahjacks. so, no fun?
30 posts and 12 images omitted.
>>520 ...Good but what did you do?
>>521 Literally nothing
remove cp there are two posts already. one is a thread
>>451 Raids should be allowed. The rest is awful.
>>576 You should be banned for this post!

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syrno##zmOAdD Admin 06/27/2023 (Tue) 00:53:56 No. 45 [Reply]
out of curiosity: how did you find this site?
42 posts and 8 images omitted.
>>464 Yeah i shilled us on that thread
>>465 You struck once again.
this place was mentioned on another small imageboard. seems nice so far
>>45 someone I like recc'd it to me
found it while scrounging the internet for altchans as an exodite from the basket weaving forum. i think it was a site keeping track of active altchans? this one is my favorite although i do post on other altchans as well

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Anonymous 04/30/2024 (Tue) 21:49:03 No. 496 [Reply]
Tor and I2P mirrors would be cool for this site.
they'll be here eventually
>>497 As someone who's dabbled with browsing I2P in the past, this seems like a good idea. I can come up with a term for I2P users. Eepfriends (i.e 'eep' as in 'eepsite' + 'friend') perhaps?
>>496 Because when its not slow its not bbs right
>>498 Yeah although, I would highly suggest using i2pd (C++) instead of i2p, since it's written in java and has some vulnerabilities.

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Bug Anonymous 05/11/2024 (Sat) 01:13:29 No. 507 [Reply]
Mousing over "(OP)" highlights the first shown reply, not the OP post.
>>507 Test
True, apparently tho, it works correctly in pop-up view (when the reply isn't shown on the screen)

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Anonymous 03/17/2024 (Sun) 18:47:30 No. 479 [Reply]
i can't seem to respond to posts anymore without getting a notification that says something like 'image needed to create thread' and 'flood detected' if i try again. am i being a dum dum?
>>479 Hm I wonder what is wrong is it still doing it?
>>480 yes, i've given up on trying to respond now

Is that possible? Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 08:21:21 No. 461 [Reply]
Is it possible to add other subheadings other than "syrno is lazy" or "love palace"? And maybe create a submission thread for that as well?
>>461 there actually was a suggestion thread for this. "syrno is lazy" was one of the two suggestions we gave lol nobody had any ideas
>>462 Well, maybe we can add "Don't be a dum dum." or "Spam is not okie dokie."







