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japanese shoegaze Anonymous-san 07/27/2023 (Thu) 12:07:13 No. 188
post int this thread shoegaze bands from japan here's a good one to begin with >17 years old and berlin wall https://youtu.be/XNwUdym9URg
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gotta recommend honeydip https://youtu.be/QQyHz_inGo8
My Dead Girlfriend - hades (the nine stages of change at the deceased remains)
here are a couple that i think are cool ^_^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2uLPowQ-Gk - Tokenai Namae - Seifuku Kanro Club https://youtu.be/wFJaJKgBmB0 - Universe Nekoko - Kimi no You ni Ikiretara
>>189 really good taste. I downloaded their music thank you!
>>571 thank you very much, I like it very much!!

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