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in this thread we learn japanese together Anonymous 06/26/2023 (Mon) 17:29:01 Id:0dd474 No. 77
this is a thread for beginner in japanese language, so feel free to share teaching
All I know is Hiragana and Katakana, and a few basic words Memorizing them is actually pretty easy, what I did was just draw them constantly, then while listening to jp music, I did my best to think of the symbols quickly as they're singing it. While I'm planning to learn more Kanji soon, I should probably learn more vocab first
>>78 Learning kanji actually helped me to learn the vocabulary It works just like building blocks, and it's much easier to learn the kanji that make up a word than the word itself Most of the times you can even guess the reading or meaning I'm currently using WaniKani to learn both vocabulary and kanji and it's been working really well You have to pay for it, but I'm aware there is a deck for Anki with the same contents
>>79 That makes sense, my only problem usually is memorizing a word while listening. It takes a bit for me to remember the meaning, compared to reading. For listening practice, this site's pretty good: https://www.mykikitori.com/ >I'm currently using WaniKani to learn both vocabulary and kanji and it's been working really well I've heard a lot of good things about this. I wouldn't mind paying for it
I like to read Japanese children's books to learn new words & to just get better at reading in general. They're pretty helpful for that
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how do you structure sentences in your head quickly? i know it's supposed to be subject object verb, but it's really hard to know where certain words go
Genki textbooks are excellent for beginners
I almost bought a book about learning japanewe. shoyld have done it dumb me
>>452 Well you don't really need to buy a book to learn Japanese. You can just use online resources, which is enough in my opinion
>>454 Books just do not work for me at all, I always prefer digital formats
>>471 for me its' the opposit. the digital format doesn't work for me. I need book
Do your reps
Arigatou Gozimaze
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I've been studying intermittently for about 12 years now. I'm still far from fluent and have no speaking practice. I'm considering taking a course for the first time and trying to pass JLPT N1. >>80 Nice site. I'll use it for practice. I like how it focuses on picking nuances between similar words. >>82 Sentences are made of distinct parts. Notice how speakers pause between sentence fragments. >>474 I quit doing decks and moved onto reading and listening.
>>489 you've been learning japanese for 12 years?! you must be fluent its weird youre not. did you ever go to japan? can you do a vocaroo?
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>>490 It was sporadic. I feel like I can understand most written and spoken Japanese. I have difficulty making sentences but I could probably speak with any Japanese speaker if they went slowly and helped me understand. I've never been to Japan. I'm sure it would help me learn the language but I have no motivation to travel.
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Have a lot of reps -> feel demotivated and don't do them -> have even more reps -> feel even more demotivated and don't do them -> I have even even more reps -> (...) I should break this cycle......
Started learning again, I'm that guy >>>/aca/207 Did Anki reps for a month, now I need to start reading again. Not sure what though, would like to read something directly in the browser, like a news site or blog or something, but not too hard language wise to get back into it. Any ideas? Maybe a site aimed towards Japanese children?
>>501 You can read manga on your browser
>>502 I want to use yomichan when reading though
>>501 Here's a news site designed for learners: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/easy/ There's furigana and words are colored. >>503 Real furigana > browser addons. Addons don't understand context.
https://refold.la/roadmap/ Don't know if this method works, but you can try it.
>>510 Refold is just another scam site designed to lure as many people as possible and turn them into paypigs. You can tell by visiting its home page. >Tries to sell you shitty courses, coaching, and even cups and glasses. >Collects Email addresses and wants you to create an acccount which is to say the least suspicious. >The site contains malicious nonfree JavaScript code which is not safe to run. >Recommends and includes links to proprietary spyware such as Hellotalk, Tandem, Bilingua, Netflix, Migaku, etc. >Includes instructions on how to join their Discord server. Discord is known for spying on and politically suppressing its users. Learning languages is and always will be free.
>>511 > nonfree >proprietary Spotted the loonix autist.
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>>512 Spotted the freedom-hating normalfag golem.
I'm getting bored of learning Japanese again. Is anyone here actually learning?
>>529 I'm un-learning
I've been reading and practicing my Japanese a lot more recently I can now read a fair bit of Kanji Does anyone have any good manga suggestions to help me practice my reading?
>>652 I'm probably around your level as well. I don't have any manga with furigana which is a mistake on my part, I ended up getting rozen maiden, however it's actually pretty easy to read despite not having furigana. so perhaps you can get some manga with furigana and try rozen maiden. whatever you can't read you just look up on jisho and learn it from there. a good balance might be getting some manga without furigana and putting in the extra work when you feel like it. it's done a lot for me.
>>652 you probably already read Yotsuba&! so nevermind
Your fortune: Outlook good
i see this anon >>81 recommends childrens books to learn vocabulary. honestly sounds like a great idea and i will try this. is there a good source to find these in pdf/epub/other ebook form?
Your fortune: Outlook good
>>841 the children's books approach never really works. because unless you're a child then it's not going to match to your actual pace of learning. you won't really learn anything. I experienced that myself and read somewhere just as much that, that was the problem. generally you're going to want something simpler but you don't want to go at THAT pace of slowness. you'll not have any fun, not learn anything and think it's your fault. middle school level with furigana is always the place to start yourself with any reading in most languages. but I'd say just go for all the german fairy tale ones you can think of and search for the simplest Japanese counter-parts you can find for them if you're really looking for that stuff. and look through other stuff that author has worked on.
Your fortune: Godly Luck
>>842 i see. i will keep that in mind. i wouldn't say they aren't useful since i genuinely have learned from them but i do get what you mean. there's only so much you can learn from them as they're meant for children who don't fully understand the simple concepts in the book instead of grown adults just trying to translate concepts they already understand. i will take your advice into account. thanks anon!

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