>Ignoring incentive structures is the real bit of low IQ bullshit.
How exactly do I ignore them?
>It sells. It makes money.
Sure why not

. It's shit and yeah it does sell. I don't care. There is no art in it. No thought. No anything. I'm sure they don't even make visuals nowadays, just a bunch of scripts and AI assistants. Sure they do draw some sprites, so what now? Anime is a very simple drawing style in comparison to drawing realistic pictures, so making cute girls look cute isn't an achievement at all. In 90s there was a significant challenge in making great visual. Now there isn't

Are you kidding me?

Open the damn MAL. What's the most popular seasonal anime (Spring 2024)

1. Demon Slayer
2. KonoSuba
3. Kaiju No. 8
4. Mushoku Tensei
5. That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
If my life depended on anime I'd be long dead

. So yeah. It sells. Good for you. Keep raising funds, I mean, yeah, I don't care. Just don't say me crap like
>must cater to the lowest common denominator
and then
>It sells. It makes money.
it has nothing to do with my original statement.
I probably wasn't clear enough about my understanding of moe, though. Moe killed anime not as a genre or art style, but as a general phenomenon of fanservice abuse for the sake of money. Basically just serve those silly dudes with some appealing females and they'll give you more money than there is in El Dorado. That's what moe truly is. New level of prostitution or whatever.
Do you really not understand the irony? I just pick some random titles every 0.5-1.5 years to see what is trending nowadays, and everything I see is more or less a recursive copy of itself. There are not any new cues, no new characters, no new plots, no new ideas, nothing except different sorts of visuals. Made in Abyss was the last promising thing I've seen and it turned into some meaningless loli carnage, wtf.
Stop trolling me with your silly statements that you have to turn your art into repetitive worthless bullshit for the sake of money!

inb4 you blame artists
No I don't.