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raspberry pi Anonymous 07/07/2023 (Fri) 12:41:56 No. 12
what can I do with this little thing? I know you can do little robots or mini pc or host a server but what else can it do?
If you don't need an SBC, don't buy one. There's enough overpriced python script temperature showing LCDs.
>>12 I used it as a mini retro-console for a while. I even had a SNES shaped case and controllers There are some cool projects I had in mind tho, like a Holocube or a Magic Mirror
not much reason to get one tbh unless you just wanna have fun and got the cash to spare which is why i got one now i only use it as a homeserver ig i could look for some cool diy project, but meh sounds kinda pointless tbh im more of a software guy than hardware guy hardware is just too much of a pain in the ass to deal with
PiHole adblock
>>12 You can use this small computers to interface with custom electronics via GPIO. I tought about giving electronics a try, but you have to spend money on so many little components its quite overwhelming
>Tor Relay >Monero Node >Yggdrasil/DNS42/CRXN node >seedbox (gentoomen library, Do/k/ument, libgen, sci-hub, file.wikileaks.org, Distrubuted Denail of Secrets, anarchist library torrent, Archive.org, ...) >ftp server with ur favorite anime/warez/other files >lightweight game server (CS1.6, HLDM, Quake 1, Quake 3, Openttd, Wesnoth) >XMPP/IRC for friends or local club >Website (your own personal wiki, image gallery, darknet link list (tor.taxi, dark.fail, hidden wiki), review of everyday items (books, gadgets, medication, computer hardware, cars, anime dolls, mp3 players, lighters...), review of extraordinary items (drugs, occult/spiritual things, religious book, linux distros, results of challenges, lists of all kind, irc communities) blog, free speech forum/imageboard, moderated nieche interest forum/imageboard, mirror/archive of existing sites or sites that may chease to exist some time soon, something extraordinary only your website can offer, torrent file index, database with webfrontend)
>>12 i used one of these to make a retro emulator console for my friend, basically what the other guy said above. worked pretty well for everything n64 and older. beyond that, something like a seedbox or a fileserver will be a good use for em as well. i mean it kinda depends on what you're into.
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>>382 >review of everyday items (books, gadgets, medication, computer hardware, cars, anime dolls, mp3 players, lighters...), review of extraordinary items (drugs, occult/spiritual things, religious book, linux distros, results of challenges, lists of all kind, irc communities) blog, free speech forum/imageboard, moderated nieche interest forum/imageboard, mirror/archive of existing sites or sites that may chease to exist some time soon, something extraordinary only your website can offer, torrent file index, database with webfrontend) review?! h-how? it can access to items on the dark net for free? sorry for asking an explanation, I'm tech illitrate
>>677 i think they meant that you could host a blog reviewing these things.
>>678 oh ok haha sorry
What's the best SD card for a RasPi 5?
>>718 Sandisk is what I use. Use a micro SD card with at least 8GB, maybe even 16GB storage space to avoid it bricking itself after a year due to not being able to allocate bad sectors.
>>12 my Pi 4 sits next to my desktop and plays downloaded Youtube videos and music it also does a handful of LAN web things like running a few local instances of some web applications (in particular, poti-board for oekaki!) and SMB and the lot it's very useful having another computer next to your actual computer, although I do want a Pi 5 since doing web browsing anything is unbearably slow (although I don't expect a major performance bump) >>718 using an SD card with a Pi is probably a bad idea if your use case can boot from USB running over a cheap SSD over USB with a SATA-USB cable has been way, way, way better, just head and shoulders faster if you do need an SD for your specific use case, prioritize speed and then size a too slow SD card on a Pi 4 or 5 will cause extremely painful UI stalls, found that out when moving my old Pi 2 card to a 4 and although technically everything was faster when you measured the times, the UI was vastly less responsive while a too small one will absolutely brick itself since you need some buffer space to spread out writes, and a boot drive will absolutely be hammered by regular writes
>>12 i use mine just to torrent anime. Also orange pies are cheaper
>>718 Sandisk works, Kingston also has some good SD cards

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