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Anonymous 11/24/2023 (Fri) 21:36:59 No. 300
How do I use computers?
To learn to use computers, you must learn teh 1337 skillz
>>300 Short answer: You don't
>>301 But where do I learn "teh 1337 skillz"??
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>>300 two of my threads are in that image
>>304 Masterful thread creator?
one of my threads is in that image!
>>308 EPIC! Pad yourself on the shoulder my guy.
Your fortune: Good Luck
phones are addicting, i prefer comfy computers (but I have no choice other than using the smartōphone >>300 it's not hard!! just expose yourself to new things in computer... try programming, installing other OSes, messing with the bios... go on, explore the world!!
C and Unix are the bread and butter of computing. Install a Linux or Unix operating system in Virtualbox, preferably a Debian disto (Linux Mint is a good choice) or FreeBSD (GhostBSD is good for absolute beginners). Don't jump into something like Gentoo, OpenBSD or Arch too soon. Then go through this book: https://www.linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php Just make sure you have a copy of your OS' manual as a handy reference. Once you've done that, pick the Scheme dialect of Lisp or C. Scheme is easier to learn and will teach you a lot about computing whereas C is hard but used in literally everything and you will have to learn it at some point. Which you do first is up to you. Lisp is a great choice for any beginner. For Scheme, go with Simply Scheme and then move on to SICP if you want to https://archive.org/details/SimplyScheme SICP https://mitp-content-server.mit.edu/books/content/sectbyfn/books_pres_0/6515/sicp.zip/index.html For C, just use the King book https://archive.org/details/c-programming-a-modern-approach-2nd-ed-c-89-c-99-king-by Then just do what >>314-san said, explore, try new things, learn the relevant skills you need to do whatever interests you.
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Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
>>316 i am a proud practitioner of COMPUTER

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