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Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 16:32:23 No. 405
Is the programming socks meme true? Do they really make you a better programmer?
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>>405 I don't know OP, you'll just have to try them out.
>>406 T-That's gay anon.
>>407 it's simple optimization. two pairs being worn in a room makes you an even better programmer. the closer they are the better.
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yes they do. im wearing mine right now with my butt plug and chastity cage and i feel like my computer skill are increased 100 fold
>>409 ... P-Post proof.
>>410 i think that may go against the rules anon...
>>411 Post a catbox pic link on the rizon chat.
>>412 heh
>>406 That's hot..
>>405 No but its still pretty thou.

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