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Anonymous 07/16/2023 (Sun) 11:23:35 No. 43
What are your methods of protecting your privacy from giant tech and internet corporations?
>>43 none. I let them data mining me
Easy >No social media >Firefox >TOR >Linux >VPNs/Proxies If I want to use something like YouTube, I can use MPV
>>45 Is there any way to be private even while using Windows. I'm not bothered at all to do anything Linux related
>Is there any way to be private even while using Windows using it in a virtual machine :D >I'm not bothered at all to do anything Linux related if your life isn't depending on your PC just don't use it, that's the simplest thing you can do or well just cut it off from the www
cool, a datamining thread i just dont use the internet teehee~ >>44 based >>46 >Is there any way to be private even while using Windows. obviously, yea just never turn your computer on dummy >I'm not bothered at all to do anything Linux related wtf is 'anything Linux related'? what do you even use your comp for? jacking off and shitposting? you can do that on a real operating system with minimal bother but if youre also a goomer, then yea software freedom might not be for you although i know some very good libre games but yea, they arent nearly as numerous as proprietary bullshit
>>71 shill me some native libre games - I only know Super Tux Kart >>45 TOR is pointless if you want to use the clearweb, everyone blocks it for a reason And I have never seen an onion-only site that isn't dedicated to illegal activity.
>>572 not him, but a few I have played and can recommend beyond all reason endless sky xonotic zero-k (libmono) tales of maj'eyal openttd cataclysm: dark days ahead zero-k in particular impressed me because you can use your builders (rts) to modify the terrain (dig trenches, raise structures and units, etc.) and the rock-paper-scissor structure was significantly more complex than I expected from a libre game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lI6lPWUku3g
>>71 You can get away from spying without having to fall into the idiotic free software ideology.
>71 Oh, it's the braindead schizo zoomer that types like he's texting someone, that I saw on another imageboard.
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>>43 Simple >have a regular computer running windows and spend an hour a day doing normie activities on it like watching the top rated youtube, pornhub videos, subscribing to random subreddits, lurking 4chinlets, browsing online stores etc. just filling it with dummy traffic so I look like a regular normal >keep a 'real computer' an old thinkpad running openBSD for my actual internet activities >no social media, no 4chon, no youtube (directly), dicksword or other uselessness >use TOR running on debian in a VM inside BSD to connect to the net >encrypt hard drives >if I need to move files around on a USB stick put them in an encrypted folder and hide it inside a folder filled with a dozen porn images so anyone searching it gives up >have a couple retro consoles so I can play as many games I like without being attached to a botnet. PS2 fat and PSVita meet my needs >only buy books from used stores in cash >try to pay for everything in cash and only make withdrawals from ATM machines a town over while wearing a mask (this one is kinda useless because they know my address already)
>>43 I used to care more and be more "schizo" about it, but these days I can't bother as much. "Giant tech" and "internet corporations" are not as much of a thread as governments, etc, because they're mostly just focused on ads (but I use an adblocker anyway ). And if governments, etc, wanted to fuck me over, they could find any arbitrary reason to. Though I still think it's good to have some basic privacy measures, in my case using Linux (though I also do it for other reasons). I also don't use mainstream sites or my phone too much, but it's more because they're shit. I can't bother with having a VPN or TOR or whatever, though, and unironically torrent things like loli doujins on my bare IP, at the end of the day it doesn't matter (and I don't live in a commie shithole where you get arrested for looking at drawings).
>>71 >>572 >>573 99% of libre games are shit, what's so hard about installing an emulator and playing one of the thousands of available great retro games? It's not like the ROMs are going to spy on you through the emulator. Though I guess Minetest is a good libre game. >>576 >normie activities on it like (...) lurking 4chinlets Anon, I'm pretty sure that 4chan is viewed as the racist hacker website and is NOT a normie activity. If there is such a thing as being put on a "list", browsing 4chan probably triggers that. >have a couple retro consoles so I can play as many games I like without being attached to a botnet. PS2 fat and PSVita meet my needs You are not attached to a "botnet" by running an emulator on a PC either... if anything PSVita would be more "botnet". >only buy books from used stores in cash What's the point of buying books in 2024 when you have LibGen and Z-Library available... If you want to read books NOT on a computer, you could get an e-ink device... unless it's an Amazon Swindle, you should be able to just disable the internet and transfer your books with USB.
>>578 Also forgot to add, I have an old offline laptop running Windows 7 for playing Windows games (pretty much just visual novels). I wouldn't use Wine because malware and spyware can still work through it, so at that point why are you using a private/secure OS like Linux?
>>579 unorniginal bait but you made me remember another one I liked: veloren. amazing game with surprisingly good performance
>>583 >bait Literally why? It's just your opinion that libre games are good. And veloren is bloated rust garbage.
>>43 Stop using computers and go full Unabomber.
>>579 >4chan is viewed as the racist hacker website and is NOT a normie activity The one thing normies hate the most is being called a normie. So there's a cottage industry of people larping as outcasts and getting into stuff that's fake weird. Poseurs are everywhere these days. People who are into goth aesthetic but can't name a goth bad or who think listening to death grips makes them underground and rad. They are all just normies pretending to be something else. If you go on 4chan you'll quickly realize 90% of the posters on most boards are normals larping as a Reddit stereotype of what a 4channer is. Even the racist haxxxxx0r retards are just parroting the same narratives Harvard professors and politicians were promoting like a decade ago. They are all just pawns and powerful people are manipulating that site. This is known already. >You are not attached to a "botnet" by running an emulator on a PC either... if anything PSVita would be more "botnet Correct. I should state I fully support people using emulators but I don't use them because I am poor and can't afford a decent newish laptop to run them effectively But I do have a bunch of old consoles lying around and PSVita can be safe if you never connect it to the internet. Everything on that thing comes in and out via USB. >What's the point of buying books in 2024 There are certain books you can't find online. I also like making notes inside books and smelling them. I like the feel of a book in my hand and turning the pages. I do download most of the books I read but I want a physical library for the books I really like and enjoy, If your going to buy physical copies its good to buy used because the big publishers are evil and going to small thrift stores and book stores is helping the little guy. >>579
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>>588 >can't afford a decent newish laptop to run them effectively I'm pretty sure that any shitty computer should be able to emulate up to 5th gen (PS1/N64) + GBA. Though Vita does require higher specs and PS2 overall has mediocre emulation even with higher specs.
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>>572 You guys should play Sauerbraten, it's FOSS and kind of like Quake
>>588 4chan is one of the most mainstream sites I can name, being almost no different from any of the contemporary ones. The "racist hacker" that everyone desperately emulates isn't even supposed to be the core audience. Usually I'd imagine a person who uses imageboards to be an Otaku of some kind, but those are becoming increasingly rare. This is the only active site that I know of that is tolerable to read and post on, and even then you will see some normalfags running around. Would be glad if everyone that uses it died. >>589 PS2 emulation is fine for the vast majority of games, but for notably intensive ones like MGS series, Z.O.E (especially the second one) and SOTC, you're better off playing them on a real PS2.
>>589 >testing my raspberry pi kernel
There was one dumb thing I did a while where I had a blacklist of IPs and blocked out entire continents and countries. >>580 Has there even been an actual documented case of a Windows virus running on Wine in Linux and working?
my strategy is the only one that doesn't fail: i don't exist. literally. even if they had orders from all the major institutions in the world to spy on me they would never find anything important because there isn't anything important in a life that doesn't even exist. datamine me as much as you like, i'll laugh at the wasted electricity
>>633 What if you wanna live a life, though?
>>633 If you didn't exist you couldn't have written this post.
>>634 no idea. gotta ask those who's got some life >>635 means you need to check on your therapist again, you're reading inexistent posts
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>>43 protecting privacy from some abstract "evil corporations" is hard and an never ending arms race that in the end doesnt even work coz internet is all about sharing info about yourself hence why this >>71 guy while unhelpful is 100% correct being anonymous on the other hand is easier and feasible no info about yourself can actually be traced to you no matter how much interwebs you do
>>734 Pure facts. Librebooted tards are psychotic, because using librebooted thinkpad is overkill for buying their acid. Even if you're using windows 11 they probably don't know anything about you except a few basic obvious things that can be sold to advertiser. I bet you could buy drugs using windows 11 and get away with it, prove me wrong.
>>735 Recall shill...I hope this is bait but either way you're glowing like the sun
>>737 Prove me wrong.

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