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Desktop thread Anonymous 07/24/2023 (Mon) 12:34:30 No. 79
How does your desktop look like /t/? How ricy is it?
(847.11 KB 1920x1080 obriezka a teplé ponožky.jpeg)
>>79 not very, mostly use it for anti-CIA work. Konqi has brought me nothing but continous joy in my KDE™® experience, I hope he brings you the same.
>>94 >Soy-booru
This is my desktop. I had to censor my name in the terminal.
>>117 I could understand buying a MacBook or an iPhone, which albeit overpriced and extremely bad, give you social validation. But an Apple desktop that's going to stay in your room and no one is going to see... why did you get one?
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Second try posting, I guess the site doesn't like 8-bit indexed color.
>>126 Cute!
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This photo was taken with my Nintendo 2DS.
>>129 is this a clap phone I see?
>>130 It's technically not a flip phone (you can't open and close it), but it is in fact a feature phone/dumbphone. I hate satanphones ("smartphones") with a burning passion.
>>132 why?
>>133 A lot of reasons. But the main ones are that they're extremely bad for privacy, the OS gives you little freedom (and it's hard to install other OS's), and I don't want to be one of those zombies constantly looking at their phone. A phone should be just a phone, not a computer. For calls, I use a phone. For internet, etc, I use my computer.
>>129 Can you post your wallpaper? I love it
>>145 Thanks!
>>122 Considering the screenshot provided reveals the machine is a MacBook Pro, anon probably wanted an unequivocally superior laptop and trackpad experience as opposed to settling for a heavier and thicker Windows PC with a trackpad half the size, inferior and/or limited gestures, pre-installed HP/Dell/Lenovo/Acer/etc. bloatware, shorter battery life, no seamless integration between hardware and software, among a plethora of other advantages only seen in Apple's offerings. Lack of ports is not an argument any longer, as anon has the M1 Pro model, which returns the SD Card slot, MagSafe, and the HDMI port. Plus, Apple's pre-installed applications smoke the ones found in Windows or Linux distributions, imo.
>>170 We get it. You're a richfag who hates freedom.
>>171 Even famous *nix devs use MBPs.
>>189 Because they're corporate golems who don't really care about what they're doing and just want social acceptance.
>>193 So you're saying basically everyone besides RMS is a sellout. That's convenient.
>>194 Cool strawman. How much did Apple pay you for this post?
>>79 I literally just use Cinnamon, I don't care about your addy fueled Zoomershit rice. Ricing is for low IQ niggas who want to feel smart
>>170 Applefags always cope and seethe about how good their laptops are and then get blown the fuck up by a keyboard on a 20 year old thinkpad that had soda spilled all over it.
>>129 Based 4:3 moniter
>>203 5:4*
>>205 Oops! Sorry it's hard to tell the difference sometimes
>>197 Nobody says Macbooks have good keyboards. They'll readily admit the older keyboards Apple had were better. The ThinkPad keyboard pales in comparison to any actual mechanical keyboard. ThinkPads today also suck which is why the newer ThinkPads aren't even part of the discussion unless you're talking the Chinese homebrew ones which have the old style keyboard.
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>>79 The ideal desktop is one that says nothing about the user. So... a black screen
>>197 I was hoping I wouldn't see this lingo used and this type of attitude here on hikari3.ch. It seems that it's just the default across all imageboards indiscriminately?
>>252 if it's any consolation, this is the first time i've seen this here
>>96 Oh God they're fucking spreading to Hikari3!
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>>287 Why are you reading about some Mexican revolutionary?
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Gnome is kinda comfy, to tell you the truth
>>252 what lingo are you talking about? the apple hate or _friend? the former is expected in any hobby as elitist as desktop ricing, the latter is imo gatekeeping the kinds of people that want to censor derogatory speech. my political beliefs are pretty normal but if I cant say roody-poo on a website its time to leave
>>291 LOL word swaps are fine imo to kick out the chuds, as long as its lighthearted
>>291 they were referring to the >deal with it and seethe in >>197
>>293 that seems to be common internet nomenclature
>>215 >The ideal desktop is one that says nothing about the user. Why's that?
>>295 Hidding from CIA
>>287 Cute pic and nice DE
>>310 Nice desktop and nice marisa art
(698.15 KB 498x498 Suwako Jump.gif)
>>311 Thank you! Currently, I have Suwako fumo wallpaper on my debian thinkpad.
>>79 Honestly, I tried liking those /cool/ kid distros. Like Gentoo, Arch and others. All I got was headache.
>>129 what phone is that ? one of those nokia candy bar ones ?
I did a dual-boot yesterday which I installed Windows 10 (I use Linux Mint as my main distro). This OS is just for only steam games.
>>332 whoa you got a really good setup anon... don't forget your windows opened hihihi~
>>333 Thank you thank you~ I left Windows Powershell covered somewhere for a reason hehe!
>>334 Anon... Give me the link of the wallpaper pls
>>335 Danbooru Post 3104078 by nirap (Artist). You're welcome
My Windows XP laptop with Touhou games I installed!
>>345 Somehow it didn't uploaded :sad:
>>346 nice large touhou collection
>>347 Thank you~ I got from Touhou 06 to 13 including fighting games!
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【ーロー】 its not done but who cares it works
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>>346 hello fellow xp bro
>>374 do u guys run this physically or use a VM? Or some custom linux distro to mimick winxp
>>374 I want your wallpaper
mine isn't very riced. this is my work/school laptop that runs mint. really the only thing i changed besides some preinstalled theme settings was change the start button to the Yorha logo. regardless it's comfy and just werks.
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>>374 Hello! I'm the one with XP-Tan and touhou games! >>375 I have several computers including thinkpads. I did not bother VMs. >>376 Here! It's a tile wallpaper!
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>>375 This is just regular XP running on an older laptop. VMs aren't very fun at all. >>376 >>379 Need to get around to installing more touhous on mine.
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Did this thread die? Aw man... Here's my very humble machine. Please don't judge it too harshly. ( つ Д `)
>>391 That's a decent amount of rice you got there. I feel like Lain fans would appreciate it more than anybody else. :)
i've been meaning to post my desktop here, but i feel like it's boring in comparison to everyone else's lol
>>392 Ah thanks! I do like Lain myself. It's really interesting and I could talk about it for hours. I'm not knowledgable on the whole "ricing" thing... I just like when my desktop looks pretty. >>393 I struggled to gain the confidence to post mine, because it's not as nice as others and I thought I'd be judged. You should post yours. What do you have to lose? :D
>>394 Did you write any articles or something like that on Lain, then? There is an on-going zine project called Lainzine and I suppose they are open for any submisssions.
>>396 No, I want to, but I'm afraid it'll sound stupid and won't be good enough. :(
>>397 It's not very realistic that a whole 2 hour talk would be full of stupidity. :) Don't go that harsh on yourself, at least not before trying.
>>391 You missed the name in the panel title. Lovely setup, though, I am a sucker for retro grays.
>>400 ...Oh my God. That's embarrassing. I'm so stupid. :(
>>395 comfy.
>>391 A fellow palemoon user, neat. great theme
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My rice, just right. I specially like the lemonbar. Planning on porting it to wayland, screw all the others. LOL
>>404 why does your font almost look like comic sans at the top
>>332 also i like ur wallpaper
>>416 Same poster from W10 Sanae. Thank you!!
>>79 OP here. I'm currently trying out Hyprland. I'll share the results after I finish configuring it
>>435 What is a good way to get started with NixOS and what are some good tips for it? The declarative nature of NixOS seems so attractive to me.
Your fortune: (YOU ARE BANNED)
>>436 I'd say just try it out yourself! Install it in a VM, dual-boot, or even go full bare-metal Try to familiarize yourself with the concepts of how NixOS works (what derivations are, the /nix/store, the Nix language, etc.) by watching tutorials or reading guides. The information is quite scattered and sometimes incomplete, so I think it's really the best for you to learn by trial and error. You can start by trying to replicate your current configuration in NixOS or install Nix as a separate package manager on your PC before trying the operative system
Here is my gentoo desktop
>>436 As another NixOS user, i think the biggest tip is to really learn how Nix works as >>439 said. Because the OS is declarative, system configuration is handled much differently than the other Linux distributions I've used. Setting up development environments has also been a bit of a hassle sometimes. Honestly, I might switch off it sometime because the declarative nature has caused me more issues than benefits.
Not insanely fancy but I like it
(3.28 MB 498x280 rena-fish.gif)
>>461 What's your motivation for using Windows 11?
>>462 Family bought me a new laptop came pre-installed with windows 11 I don't prefer it by any means, but a gift is a gift
>>464 Why don't you just install something else?
>>464 I am pretty sure that the person who gifted you that computer did not explicitly mean for you to use windows, they probably do not even know that alternatives exist. Uninstallling windows will boost your computer's lifespan, impede partyvans from spying on you and is also a much more secure environment since almost nobody makes malware for linux.
>mind went instantly to linux I meant to say that any other maintained os would be a much more secure environment and give you all of those benefits, although a linux-based os would be best as you could play games on steam.
>>465 late reply I know. Not to derail this thread of course but the reason is just lack of experience with Linux or other OS alternatives (which yes can only ironically enough be solved with just jumping into it and trying out Linux :v). >>470 >" Uninstallling windows will boost your computer's lifespan" Interesting and in my case honestly the most convincing argument outside of computer freedom. I'll atleast install Mint on a flashdrive to try it out then anon
>>473 >Not to derail this thread of course but the reason is just lack of experience with Linux or other OS alternatives Doesn't have to be Linux, could be just Windows 10 or 7,
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>>126 I really like that desktop background, do you have the original image? >>490 i like that sakura winamp skin!
why not
>>134 Any mobile phone is bad for privacy, they all track everywhere you go and everything you say. This isn't some kind of conspiracy nonsense either, do your research you'll find this out to be the truth.
>>502 i wonder if it's even necessary to own one. i don't have one but i don't get out much so i don't know if the whole world is basically being forced to use them
>>503 Smartphones and credit/debit cards are part of the west's social credit system. Without them there are some stores and services you won't have access to, but your life will be better without them.
>>414 That's coz it is comic sans. Looks really neat on a topbar
(82.66 KB 1280x720 Screenshot_20220717-182729.png)
Me proud of it
>>504 What fucking shops stop you from using them without having a fucking mobile phone? I've never seen that. Although I do see your point about debit/credit cards but even then most shops still allow you to pay by cash, but what are you on about it being a social credit system, do you have schizophrenia?
>>504 what a huge drama. Go live in desert i dunno or somewhere where only donkeys shit around what makes u struggle so much with civilization also post your desktop
>>518 really? I still haven't seen any (offline) shops that don't support cash payment. In fact, I've seen shops actively discouraging using credit/debit cards to pay, at least around my area.
(806.22 KB 1366x768 2022-07-06-13-03-27.png)
I recently bought untested Thinkpad T60 for reasonable price. I cleaned it and made a dual boot Windows XP and Slackware Linux. I was fortunate enough that it was just a missing HDD which I got a spare SSD to use.
>>565 By coincidence I also bought a T60 with a missing hard drive recently I upgraded the RAM with 4GB (only 3 GB can be used unfortunately ;-;) and CPU on mine and put Arch on it.
>>566 I never have a thought to replace the CPU unless it's possible and a good upgrade. I did bought 2GB ram to make it 3GB overall. Post your arch desktop please!
>>567 I upgraded mine to a Core 2 Duo T7600 which is the fastest one it can take I'll post my Arch desktop when I finish ricing DWM
>>568 Thank you and good luck on ricing DWM!
it's so easy to make linux look good. this was maybe 15 minutes max using themes i didn't make lol. my laptop for college/work. my main PC is for gayming so it runs windows LTSC and i don't customize it much. well, i say it's my main PC but it seems like i'm on my laptop more often nowadays. busy busy!
>>672 Even something basic on customizing on Linux, it's still better than stock Windows 10/11 desktops. Nice Frieren!
>>325 the distro that works for you is the cool kid distro
(3.74 MB 1920x1080 desktop.png)
nothin special
>>685 that's okay anon. not much you can do on windows for customization beyond like.... transparent taskbars. perchance you could give linux a try?
Don't fall for the linux meme becoming linuxoid has ruined my life and i even started to dabble in coding it's a black hole don't ever use linux I AM SERIOUS RIGHT NOW SAVR YOUR LIFE AAAAAAA
>>700 don't let him lie! release your chains of closed-source oppression! open your mind to the truth of open-source software! install linux mint today and be forever changed for the better!
>>699 i actually tried out linux mint for two months but for what I need to do it just became too much of a chore especially when it came to applications I needed for work, nothing but respect to users though it just isn't for me
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
>>702 >too much of a chore especially when it came to applications I needed for work Do you not have a work laptop for work-related stuff? That's my experience, at least.
>>703 i work from home and the only thing provided to us is the adobe suite, I've tried making the switch to open source alternatives but nothing else feels as streamlined
>>704 also just to add to this, i do use a ton of open source software every day such as OBS, thunderbird, blender, and calibre. i've just found that software such as GIMP, kdenlive, inkscape, etc just don't mesh well with my workflow. I do still want to experiment with linux in my free time (ill probably get another ssd to dual boot) but as of right now its not a huge priority ... sorry to derail thread hehe
>>702 Despite I'm a main linux user for almost a year now, what got you want to try Linux Mint? Most applications you want to use are from Windows?
>>705 no worries friend. honestly i still use winblows on my main PC, even if i do have linux mint on my work/college laptop. software is a tool, use whatever you'd like. i'll still shill for open source software when possible but use what works for you!
>>706 what made me want to make the switch was how malicious microsoft has gotten when it comes to privacy and data collection, not to mention the lack of support for older hardware with these newer versions. linux and open source software has definitely come a long way and I'd like to make the switch eventually once my use case becomes more viable
>>708 >Privacy and Data issues That was part of the reasons why I never upgraded my PC to Windows 10 or 11. I was a main Windows 7 user until 2023 for Linux Mint as my first distro. The first week of Linux was painful due to poor knowledge and fear of not reaching my standard about Linux. After that, I'm very satisfied with it and I'm glad that I did not went to use newer Windows.
why is linux so popular among us esls
(406.91 KB 1920x1080 1030991565.png)
istg I posted here before but I don't see my desktop :[
>>739 dude that looks awesome :O
>>739 Fonts too tiny.
>>739 i rly like urs
>>739 Hey, that looks so good :) What theme and icons are you using? Also, which music players is that?
>>215 A black screen says a lot about you. Like you might be a psychopath, for example The only wallpaper that says nothing about you is the default one
>>878 Pf, I too use black screen as my i3wm wallpaper because it's zero distraction. Though my recreational account has a cool futuristic wallpaper.
Here's mine! I am slowly but surely moving into greybeard territory with the software I use LOL :-D
>>883 is that nyxt?
>>884 Yep! :-) It is pretty nice to use, the devs are working on getting it running with some new engines as well to in the future it will be even more performant.
>>883 Hey, I'd recognize that art anywhere. I've had the same Cirno desktop background for fifteen years or so, but I use tile-anon's designs for my IRC client and some other stuff. Good taste, mate
>>332 I wanted to try dual boot for a while, but I'm scared it'll fuck up my main OS's data if something goes wrong
>>886 Thanks! I've always enjoyed using tile-anons stuff since it hits the comfy vibes I want from my system 😁
(68.25 KB 600x871 Karel_Svab_(1904_1952).jpg)
>>94 >obriezka a teplé ponožky.jpeg Czech? Slovak?
>>883 That's a lot of memory
(695.22 KB 1920x1080 простите.png)
>>886 >>883 good to see people still enjoying tile anons work
Your fortune: Average Luck
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It's nothign special
i did this several months ago (or maybe more than a year) and then i havent had time to make more ricings. its ok for me anyway.
Got tired of ricing and in general of the "build your own DE" experience made of non interoperable components that constantly break because its author decided to. KDE just works. >hahaha krashde Works on my machine.
>>928 Although to be honest I miss the tilling WM experience, and no, the KDE tilling scripts aren't the same thing.
>>929 use i3wm with lxde never did that though i3wm with i3bar and picom combination is sweet
>>930 I don't like manual tilling managers. I used dwm in the past though. I use KDE because I can configure things through a GUI, even though I can do it on the CLI, I got tired of it. Or for example connecting to a wifi network, I don't want to open the terminal. Also I use wayland only because it allows me to replace the GTK file picker with the Qt one. Each time I see the GTK file picker it makes me want to neck myself.
>>930 >>931 I thought about lxde, maybe I will try when its wayland support becames more stable.
>>931 >even though I can do it on the CLI, I got tired of it I configured my i3wm years ago and never touched it since except some changes to startup scripts here and there to accommodate changes in my workflow. >Or for example connecting to a wifi network Depends on how often you change them. Even if you do, wpa_gui exists. As you wish ofc, but I prefer to keep it as simple as possible without having to use my butthole.
>>928 >LibreWolf Good choice
>>934 I hear it's on decline though. Maybe it's time to go for mullvad browser, but reproducible builds take 999TB of space and also they install in /opt which is a retarded take. I share /opt across multiple installations and their approach is obnoxious. System packages should go into /lib. /opt is for me. I SAID FOR ME
>>415 whoa sick where did you download that weborb from anon???
(1.55 MB 1920x1080 2024-11-29_20-45.png)
I finally transferred from Mint to Arch after using Linux for over a year. I'm trying out Trinity DE since I love old UI.
Oh yeah every linux newbie has to come through the Arch linux phase. Glad you're liking it, and I hope you're wise enough to despise systemd and move away from it asap
>>947 I'm well-aware about other distro that doesn't have systemd like Artix (Hell, I even tried it out before Arch). I didn't do as much though but time will tell though.
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>>947 I don't really see what's too bad with systemd anymore.
>>949 It's a ticking bomb malware. Putting aside it's abhorrent design, systemd is not an init system, it is a """base OS""" that is meant to bring about a lockdown of linux ecosystem so jews can take hold of it. And what does it do? It basically implements windows on linux or whatever. Goys like you won't notice a difference because in terms of using your goybrowser (chrome, yes?) there is truly no difference. You just fail to see the broader picture either because you're dumb or just stubborn. Systemd is sweet poison if it's not opposed linux and its freedom will basically be done for good. They are doing with linux the same thing they've done to browsers. There are literally no browsers on the market. Firefox is barely stumbling along and all other browsers are chromium based. And firefox is owned by google, mozilla being a proxy company. Just put off your pink glasses already.
>>952 The Linux kernel has a 2000 line (toplevel) Makefile and is above 20 million lines of C code but you are not complaining about that.
>>952 meds
>>953 Because it's a monolithic kernel are you dumb? By the way linux codebase is a mess it has more vulnerabilities than there are starts in the universe. >>954 >redhat jew tries to cover the tracks Fuck you morons.
>>955 Ok but you do realize that systemd also has a lot of tasks right? Linux' POSIX implementation relies heavily on the init system, this discussion has been had before though. Can you like, stop rambling about systemd? Find other software to whine about, this one got boring.
>>956 No, systemd IS ticking bomb malware, I will not keep silent about it. Everyone who's got two braincells and doesn't work for redhat must know that by using systemd they make software freedom one step closer to demise
What desktop environment do you use?
i3wm is the best one if you're not up to spending a year or two doing deep meaningful configuration like you would with awesomewm
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>>79 Just a simple KDE plasma with few widgets Id love to get a chromatic aberration filter on it but ive yet to find a way to do so. I also got i3 WM installed but havent bothered to try and setup it >>987 comfy pape >>928 librewolf Based
>>955 > jews please stop vomiting the same conspiracy
>>1006 Jew
It's really not much, I barely rice because there isn't much to rice to begin with. just dwm + st. QubesOS btw.
>>1013 Qubes is too hardware demanding.
>>1014 Partially true. I've made my Qubes to be as minimal as possible, and have done a lot of research on Xen powersaving stuff. 'tlp bat' and doing 'xenpm set-sched-smt enable' seem to work best for powersaving, 'tlp bat' and 'xenpm set-sched-smt disable' for regular workloads, and 'tlp ac' and 'xenpm set-sched-smt enable' for performance. 'xenpm set-scaling-governor' and 'xenpm disable-turbo-mode' don't seem to work for me.
But yeah, QubesOS isthe reason why my Thinkpad doesn't last longer than ~1.2 hours lol
>>1016 Can't you guys just run a VM with custom firewall settings like normal people?
>>1021 Well, no. QubesOS provides the best of the best when it comes to complete compartmentalization, you literally can't beat it with your homemade setup. Unless you're gonna reimplement QubesOS, by using Xen as hypervisor and just reinventing the wheel. Also, QubesOS is definitely not for normal people lol.
>Schizophrenic overkill is better because... better! I diagnose you Asperger's. >Not for normal people I would think a good 1/5 people on any given alt chan take drugs.
>>1023 I am not a schizo, I just use QubesOS because my threat model asks for it. I use my laptop for a lot of different stuff (school, work, personal, freelance programming) and I don't want anything interacting with other files. I need a system that can compartmentalize everything, from firewall to PCI devices. And no, I am not a druggie either. Drugs are gay.
>>1013 People use Qubes as a daily driver?
>>1026 I do yeah
behh i dont really rice but here it is! i hope you like it
>>1032 >sewerslvt nice, not really my style but overal unique rice. 6/10 because not using a tiling window manager
>>1033 >sewerslvt hey whats with pointing that out
>>1034 sewervlut has been a subject of some flamewars about his/her opinions on racism or whatever. >>1032 name you init system NOW
>>1034 I enjoy his music, that's all. >>1035 seperate art from artist. I don't care about sewerslvt's personal opinions as long as they don't mix it into their music.
>>1035 >name you init system NOW blehhhhhh neverrrrr
>>1037 why?
i don't spend a lot of time ricing
syrno spotted

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