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GAME NIGHT HAPPENING Saturday, February 22nd at 3pm EST.

Don't forget to vote for the game you want before then

Anonymous 06/20/2023 (Tue) 07:50:16 Id:c387a8 No. 64 [Reply]
Why does the new Steam UI suck shit? It was fine before They need to stop ruining goodness
1 post omitted.
it's also a lot slower on worse PCs, it was so fluid aswell changing of the tides i suppose
>>66 Yeah, my PC's starting to get more outdated, so it's running exponentially slower. I'd just wish they made it optional. I wouldn't have cared as much. I don't see why everyone is switching to more "smartphone styled" UI's. It doesn't do any good. They're trying to modernize everything that doesn't have to be. It already looked fine. If it's not broken, don't change it.
>>67 not to mention the fact that this UI change is completely irrelevant when looking at Steam as a service to buy games, makes 0 sense
>>65 the way that i fixed it was to close steam completely and go into the properties of the desktop icon and add -vgui at the end of the target section. the shitty part is that u gotta close and reopen steam every time u restart ur computer
>>69 Thank you so much

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God of War/Devil may cry Anonymous 06/08/2023 (Thu) 02:58:16 Id:a763df No. 42 [Reply]
Or games in similar vein. H8, R8, and suggest games.
icey and dust an elysian tale both have similar combat to dmc with the exception being that they are 2d
metal gear rising revengance is another badass one
upcoming Final Fantasy 16, based off what I've seen, it's similar to Devil May Cry in game play, but has the semi-open world of God of War From what's been shown, it's most definitely gonna be good

Really Cool Anonymous 06/09/2023 (Fri) 04:18:51 Id:5d2428 No. 47 [Reply]
Voices from the Sea is my favorite VN, it's free on Steam and it's only about 40 mins to 1 hour of gameplay, I really recommend ppl check it out :))
Why is it your favorite?
it's short and sweet, and it leaves me satisfied







