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/doom/ Aeroplane##lQz+TI 10/05/2023 (Thu) 02:11:47 Id:60bbc3 No. 396
Post your favorite DOOM wads No myhouse.wad or it's copies becuz that's boring and none of Eric Harris' mods for obvious reasons
>>396 I haven't played much doom, but I tried jump.wad once: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Jumpwad It turns the game into a platformer I also played ChezQuest One thing I like about doom, is that, because it restricts camera movement into 1 dimension, you can play it entirely using a keyboard with both hands. no need for a mouse You can't do this with any shooter anymore starting with quake
>>397 A lot of people played Quake, Half-Life, and even Counter-Strike 1.6 wtf are you talking about?
>>398 *With only keyboard Sorry I'm sick rn and forgot to add that oh so important part
>>398 But playing those with keyboard only is kinda clunky In doom you can play it with keyboard almost as well as you do with mouse
>>400 True, although aiming becomes the REAL Hell lolz (also sorry for the late response I completely forgot about this thread )
Not too long ago I played through Overboard, a short map pack from the guy who made Going Down. Short and sweet maps with some awesome level design, and a NG+ mode with harder enemy placements after you beat it for the first time. Link to the Doomworld page: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Overboard

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