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GAME NIGHT HAPPENING Saturday, February 22nd at 3pm EST.

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Anonymous 06/11/2023 (Sun) 23:28:43 Id:881c2b No. 54
ITT: Gaems you have been playing Any gaems to suggest? Most of my time has been spent on gmod
Luck be a Landlord, reminds me of real life gambling Also reminds me Vampire Survivors
>>54 Alina of the Arena its great because i get 1 shot by the bosses which is pretty funny
Duel links
>>54 I honestly haven't played gmod in so long. It was fun tho so I'll probably play it again eventually >>58 Never played Duel Links itself but I used to play in person Yu-Gi-Oh in school with some friends often. Still got my deck tho
>>59 I never really got the appeal for these type of card games, I'm a stupido so I never really got how to play them. I'd probably like it better if these were easier to understand
>>60 the fun part about yugioh is just doing insane fucking strategies and them somehow working, yugioh is also probably the textbook definition of power creep, it's fun because it's broken
>>54 also I've been playing Bloons TD6, Postal 2, modded Terraria and New Vegas for the most part I really reccomend you check out People Playground if you like GMod, the mods for that game are super well made
>>62 I actually played People Playground, it's so fun
>>62 >modded Terraria Wut mods yu got?
sven coop
i've been playing tf2 and touhou recently. pretty fun
>>54 I just got SuchArt on Steam Summer Sale The concept of the game seemed interesting, so I wanted to try it out
i suggest cataclysm: dark days ahead its a post-apocalyptic survival game where you can become a deadly catgirl you need high levels of autism to actually get into this game tho
Hush Hush
Trying to beat all the games in the classic Mega Man series Just finished six
>>224 Good luck beating them all Will you play the X series after?
>>225 >Good luck beating them all Thank you >Will you play the X series after? Probably, don't really like them as much as the classic series though
>>54 Smash Bros Ultimate
i've been playing a lot of Compile Heart rpgs recently. namely, the two Death End re;Quest games, both of which are absolutely stellar imo. >>266 i need to pick smash back up, i'm getting rusty >.> wanna play together sometime?
>>268 >i need to pick smash back up, i'm getting rusty >.> wanna play together sometime? Maybe, I'm really bad though... I just play really casually. I don't play it that much
>>269 it's ok! i don't think i'm too great at smash, either. here's my FC if you ever want to play a match: SW-4560-7207-6229 ...i don't know how we'd coordinate a match on an imageboard like this, but it doesn't hurt to try
>>270 Did you guys ever play?
I've been playing Hunt Down the Freeman again. A new team has taken it upon themselves to improve the game. Some levels are getting reworked or overhauled, bugs and glitches are getting stomped out, new models and music is getting added... The story will remain a hopeless mess, but other than that it's becoming a genuinely enjoyable game. >>123 >>124 Good stuff
(223.57 KB 1920x1080 rika-smbx.jpg)
>>54 Super Mario Bros X is the only game I will ever need.
>>292 Mario fan games from then always make me feel large amounts of nostalgia. Especially ones like Crossover or 63
(5.17 MB smbc_1-0.swf)
>>300 Here's the swf file for an older version of Crossover It's a great game
You should play Fallout: New Vegas if you hadn't already.
>>124 Adding onto this, there's also Team Fortress 2 Classic, which preserves the games original artstyle while adding cut content as well as entirely original stuff :3
i did a new game+ run for Death End re;Quest 2. i've been getting super into Compile Heart's games recently, they're all really cool and i wish more people would talk about them. that said, i really don't like how the DEr;Q games make you play through them twice to get the full story. it was a little less egregious in the first game, since the only thing locked to the ng+ was the EX ending, so you could just breeze through the whole game on the lowest difficulty and skip all the cutscenes and be done with everything in a weekend. this game? there are random interspersed ng+ exclusive cutscenes sprinkled throughout, so i wouldn't recommend skipping cutscenes. and more of those unlock if you spend time doing the sidequests, some of them involving grinding rare item drops from monsters. there are also branching story beats that change depending on certain choices in the story, so you have to savescum on top of all that. and to top it all off, there's no new (relevant) gameplay content, so you're running through the same areas and fighting the same enemies/bosses as you did during the first playthrough, except now you're just overleveled and kill everything in 1 hit, except for some of the bosses, which are kind of damage spongey. it's kind of a drag. DEr;Q 2 is a really good game, but i hope they tone the ng+ stuff down a bit, or just go really hard in the other direction and make a Yoko Taro game where the ng+ is an entirely different game. on a more positive note, i love this game's protagonist. >>281 over a month later, and...no. ;-; i'm still down for games, though
>>54 Pokemon Clover, on my PSP 10/10 recommended >>341 I get this error when playing the swf: ># Error Info >Error name: CompileError >Error message: call to WebAssembly.instantiate() blocked by CSP >Error stack: >``` >@https://hikari3.ch/.static/js/ruffle/core.ruffle.1574065e4dead1ee2231.js:1:54999 > >``` ># Player Info >Allows script access: false > > ># Page Info >Page URL: https://hikari3.ch/v/res/54.html#q341 > ># Browser Info >User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0 >Platform: Linux x86_64 >Has touch support: false > ># Ruffle Info >Version: 0.1.0 >Name: nightly 2023-05-15 >Channel: nightly >Built: 2023-05-15T00:19:10.557Z >Commit: >d0f8061c852e34a0c5d5b16d721c11da492ef5b>2 >Is extension: false > ># Metadata
>>382 I get the error as well but refreshing the page usually works
>>383 thx
>>58 why dont people just play YGOPRO?
>>54 I recently bought Eastward, a charming game with JRPG elements and beautiful pixel art, and A=B, a puzzle game around an esoteric programming language

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