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01/20/25 A total rewrite for the site is in progress. Read more.
05/21/24 Happy birthday hikari3! (News post)
12/21/23 Recent news post: Check here. Also, new board added: /i/ - Oekaki.
11/25/23 Accepting banner submissions; check this thread for more details.
11/17/23 New blotter! Use this to keep an eye for small updates.
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GAME NIGHT HAPPENING Saturday, February 22nd at 3pm EST.

Don't forget to vote for the game you want before then

HIKARI MINECRAFT SERVER Anonymous 12/22/2024 (Sun) 01:15:14 No. 921
Since it seems that we will not have a game night this month, I thought it would be cool to bring the Minecraft server back (I'm not the same owner as before), I don't know for how long I'll keep it online, but hope you enjoy for the time being. IP: hikaricraft.xyz IP: minecraft.hikari3.ch Version 1.21.3 Version 1.21.4
Edited last time by Marukos on 02/15/2025 (Sat) 03:04:01.
By the way, added a Christmas resource pack to the server, when you join for the first time It will ask if you want to download it, you can just decline if you don't want.
(3.10 MB 1920x1021 2024-12-24_23.21.36.png)
(3.02 MB 1920x1021 2024-12-24_23.21.48.png)
Poorly made Christmas tree Hope everybody have a merry Christmas
I like your Christmas tree hikarin, Merry Christmas! Did you restore the map from the previous server?
>>927 Yes, I kept everything as it was before, even the server settings.
In case anyone tries to connect, the server will be unavailable for about 1-2 days.
(478.11 KB 1536x2048 GYDYdlNa8AAAI7X.jpg)
>>1006 Ahh.. if I knew earlier hikari had a server! I was playing alone on my single player world.. Please notify us when it is up again.
Schedule of uptime?
i may hop on and build something when it's up. i don't really find vanilla minecraft very interesting nowadays tho.
>>1008 Pretty
>>1008 >>1009 It should be back by today at night. >>1010 I would like to introduce some mods as well, but it seems that the hardware of a lot of hikarins is not really the best, so the mods would need to be carefully chosen as to not increase too much the RAM usage.
SERVER IS BACK It's now under a new domain: minecraft.hikari3.ch (thanks Syrno for including it as a subdomain) And I updated it to: 1.21.4 Besides that, nothing really changed, maybe it'll stutter less now as it's running in a more powerful machine.
>>921 Is it backwards compatible? I use 1.16.5 because of personal reasons and I don't feel like switching
>>1015 cool i'll check it out
>>1017 Unfortunately no, I could try, but last time a used a plugin for backward compatibility in a server it didn't end well, became very laggy for some of the players, the problem seems to be mainly with version 1.18 because of the change in world generation. But that was a long time ago, maybe it's better nowadays, I'll see if I can get it working tomorrow.
mr admin i request a plugin to restore skins since it's an offline server. i'm assuming you're using paper. something like: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/skinsrestorer.2124/
unfortunately my ping to the server is too bad to play
>>1022 How much is your ping? Minecraft plays really well even on very high pings, my ping there is 200 and I almost don't notice it.
>>1020 Oh, it does have one, but I think it broke after I updated the server, I'll download the most recent version and see if it works again.
Is there any way to specifically lock chests to only a few selected users? Like you can trust and untrust users for your claim, but all chests on that claim are available for the other users now too. I guess you can create a new claim, specifically for holding valuables but eh
>>1031 I have no idea, I would need to do a better reading at the documentation of the plugin, I'll do it later today, but if you want to read yourself, the plugin name is GriefPrevention.
why are you hiding your chests from me?
>>1023 went online yesterday and my ping seemed to be pretty stable at around 170-190ms. it seems i was just having internet troubles the first time around.
>>1033 not hiding, it just contains valuables I don't want to lose (or share). all other resources in my house, farm and lava farm are free to take, with permission ofcourse
minecraft is super hard
I've added some cobblestone to the portal in the nether to prevent it from getting blown to smithereens. There's also a chest with some backup flint and steel in case it goes out.
yeah not getting filnd and steel when you go into nether is a top 10 newbie mistake though i have not really played minecraft in many years. i did make a few mini playthoughs year ago or so but nothing fancy i guess i'm not any good anymore

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