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01/20/25 A total rewrite for the site is in progress. Read more.
05/21/24 Happy birthday hikari3! (News post)
12/21/23 Recent news post: Check here. Also, new board added: /i/ - Oekaki.
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11/17/23 New blotter! Use this to keep an eye for small updates.
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GAME NIGHT HAPPENING Saturday, February 22nd at 3pm EST.

Don't forget to vote for the game you want before then

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Anonymous 07/21/2024 (Sun) 22:50:42 No. 5649 [Reply]
it do be like that
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>>5654 which one is food though >kys how about double suicide? you and i. should be pretty romatic
>food fix: good*
>>5656 Only good languageis your native language other can fuck off im against learning foregin languages I only know English cause of American globalizartion peer presure essentially
It has come to the point where childern here know english better then our native one

Anonymous 07/07/2024 (Sun) 18:10:10 No. 5566 [Reply]
Do you like the summer?
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i live in the northern states and i still don't like summer. any weather over 75f should be banned!
Hello my dear! Are you idling? Evil is running wild in the world! Rise up! Join the Fight!
Hikari! Ask no questions! Lend me your Power! Now!
>>5902 i'm lending you my power!!! do your best!!!
>>5903 You're a life saver!

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Anonymous 06/29/2024 (Sat) 00:27:31 No. 5509 [Reply]
Would you eat it
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Are those.... are those worms...?! No I would absolutely not.
>>5509 *stands here with expression of pic related* just what do you think you are doing in my butter farm?
>>5509 i bet you eat dick
>>5590 I'm fairly sure it was boiled potato
>>5509 I bet it would taste like butter toast spread with strawberry jam

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Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 17:45:57 No. 5543 [Reply]
adhd braining restless unreading bad memory need comfy brain
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racing thoughts are to be drowned in mindless activity and may be a sign of fatigue and stress. as for laziness I'll explain when you join me in hell
i have adhd and this doesn't happen are you ok
>>5543 gas and flames
>>5551 test : happy :

Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 20:09:33 No. 5427 [Reply]
Out of curiosity, what's your primary source of images when posting? I find most of mine on other boards and boorus but there are also some open directories which are interesting to go through
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>>5537 How do you mean?
>>5541 It is some assumption that anyone who doesnt hoard images doesnt post much. I think it just is different people do things different. Not every image is worth saving.
>>5558 I can’t hoard images like I used to. I used to have images from like 2018 on a micro sd but i kept having to change phones at that time for cell provider reasons so it gets tiring sometimes. I also can’t be assed with cloud storage or having to plug in a backup ssd just to get some images off there.
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Sometimes I just pick stock images I think look funny.
I get it from other chan sites.
Your fortune: Godly Luck

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 21:04:15 No. 5378 [Reply]
Come fight me coward!
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utterly btfod
>>5513 R-rude…..she’s very smart……
Turns her into a plushie to be sold overseas
It can't be over like this! I see the end... I have not found home in this sinful world of shameless disgusting people, but it looks like the end. Serves me right. I do not deserve to exist here. My senses are inverted, I cannot be a part of this place. Damn this is agonizing. My head has been aching for three full days now. And it's not even that bad, the pain that is. END IT END IT END IIIIT

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Anonymous 06/25/2024 (Tue) 13:58:00 No. 5476 [Reply]
Good morning fri/en/ds I'm feeling energetic today! I hope you have a good day today.
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>>5477 I like ichigo mashimaro
>>5732 in college i'm studying conservation and sustainability, japanese is a hobby for me. and yes! i've already been actually. went for 3 weeks earlier this year and am determined to be fluent enough by the time i go again. won't be for a year and a half at least though.
>>5736 did you take pictures? how was it? what did you do in japan?
>>5737 i did take pictures! i won't show a lot but it was very fun. as it was our first time there and none of us spoke enough japanese we mostly stuck to Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka. i must go back at all costs!! i'm not a photographer if you couldn't tell lol
>>5740 you're such a lucky guy, please enjoy next time you'll go there

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moot!Ep8pui8Vw2 06/29/2024 (Sat) 01:13:18 No. 5512 [Reply]
Would you eat Haruhi's butt ?
No because Cirno is better and I am against perversion. You filthy namefag dare use words Cirno and retard in one sentence. There is no forgiving you. Haruhi's ass is the last thing you'll ever eat. Cirno's revenge will be ruthless
yeah why not?
Too small

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Anonymous 06/24/2024 (Mon) 19:37:09 No. 5465 [Reply]
I'm stuck in bed with flu and completely bored. What should I do? I tried gaming but my head hurts too much
Your fortune: Bad Luck
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Took the pill if pain doesn't stop I'm fetching rope
>>5489 Do you want someone to talk to or just hang out in the presence of? Maybe it would help
>>5490 Nothing but a pill can save me from this malady. What's the point of hanging out in the presence of somebody if all I do is rolling on the floor begging for mercy kill because my head feels like somebody's trying to open it from inside?
It's insanely hot right now. I am literally melting. Summers are unbearable for poorfags like me who can't afford conditioning.







