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mp3 player Anonymous 09/08/2024 (Sun) 09:34:25 No. 742 [Reply] [Last]
I want to buy an mp3 player but I don't know which one is the best, so I'm asking you to help me choose one, please. I found this: but I don't know if its true or false. xhat do you think of it?
Edited last time by admin on 09/10/2024 (Tue) 18:24:48.
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just go ipod classic or eros q. both runs rockbox. ipod is easy to upgrade, if you take gen 5th. they might be a bit expensive but its almost the same than a spotify subsciption during a yr. also if you got an old android phone, you could just use that and load it with tons of flac/mp3s
>>742 No idea what mp3 player is best (probably a refurbished iPod or something not gonna lie), but I've been using a Ruizu X02 with an sd card (up to 128gb, I tested it) for a while and it's great, and supports .wavs and other things like that. Hasn't failed me yet and honestly a great device imho. I don't use bluetooth so I'm not sure if it works well, my sister has one and got hers to work but I'm not sure if it's any good since she mostly just streams music now. Battery life seems good to me but I've never really measured it. Whatever you do, DO NOT buy a Retekess V115 - It's audio quality is great for mp3s (although it's clunky), but the thing complete died after about 7 months - and no, it wasn't the battery, I tried a different one. Whole thing just fried itself. Also, the shortwave reception is garbage.
>>1027 Quick note: UI isn't the best, but I got used to it pretty quick. Also there is an update for the UI you can download somewhere but I've never used it. Also, if you make a playlist directly on the device, it can only have 100 songs, which is kind of a bummer (it only lets you make 3 on the device but I think there's a way to sideload more, but I've never done it).
>>742 Any mp3 player that has internet and bluetooth so i can listen music from navidrome? (oh fuck i forgot i need wireguard too)
>>1131 at that point just use a debloated phone

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how to make your own imageboard? Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:57:28 No. 529 [Reply]
I want to make my own imageboard but I don't know how to make one. I don't know how to code haha. how to host it online and paying servers? I alao want it to support a lot of files (like webm, webp, gif, pdf, etc...)
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>>529 was wondering the same thing. i know actualy imageboards function on servers, php, selfhosting, and junk like that. but i do not have the knowledge nor the space for even a small simple site either. But i have figured out that you can make some weird static one on a free website hoster with just html commentbox & basic web design&development. im thinking of doing just that, even if nobody may use it. just a fun project lolz
sharing your deranged thoughts with strangers on the internet doesn't really sound fun tbh
>>1127 why not? you don't need to pretend to be sane around here
>>1126 how would one create an imageboard with just html, css and js? You need some sort of backend, unless you want to store all threads locally (in the browser) and have the user be the only visitor of the chan
>>1129 js and css to hack 'em and connect 'em to the botnet

SteamOS 3.0 Anonymous 02/11/2025 (Tue) 17:56:59 No. 1081 [Reply]
are any of you planning on trying SteamOS 3.0 once it gets an official release? Valve has been putting a lot of work in improving Linux usability so i'm very interested in seeing the viability of switching to Linux full-time once an official release drops. as an nvidia user, i'm especially interested in their in-house wayland compositor. i have a history of using Linux on other devices, particularly Linux Mint, but always end up going back to Windows on my main PC due to nuisances. doesn't help that i have an nvidia card. what about you? will you give it a try? are you interested in the project or do you not care?
also, does anybody have experience using Bazzite? a distro with a very similar goal to SteamOS. i'm tempted to give this a try as well, at least until SteamOS 3.0 releases. yes, i am a norman when it comes to my PC. i like things to mostly just werk. purists need not reply.
I need Windows on my desktop, but I have Steam Deck and it was my best gaming purchase. I am glad Valve supports Linux gaming!
>>1083 i have a friend who just recently bought one. do you have any complaints towards it? particularly the software side of things.
>>1082 bazzite is a psyop designed to groom children into lobbing off their dicks

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raspberry pi Anonymous 07/07/2023 (Fri) 12:41:56 No. 12 [Reply]
what can I do with this little thing? I know you can do little robots or mini pc or host a server but what else can it do?
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What's the best SD card for a RasPi 5?
>>718 Sandisk is what I use. Use a micro SD card with at least 8GB, maybe even 16GB storage space to avoid it bricking itself after a year due to not being able to allocate bad sectors.
>>12 my Pi 4 sits next to my desktop and plays downloaded Youtube videos and music it also does a handful of LAN web things like running a few local instances of some web applications (in particular, poti-board for oekaki!) and SMB and the lot it's very useful having another computer next to your actual computer, although I do want a Pi 5 since doing web browsing anything is unbearably slow (although I don't expect a major performance bump) >>718 using an SD card with a Pi is probably a bad idea if your use case can boot from USB running over a cheap SSD over USB with a SATA-USB cable has been way, way, way better, just head and shoulders faster if you do need an SD for your specific use case, prioritize speed and then size a too slow SD card on a Pi 4 or 5 will cause extremely painful UI stalls, found that out when moving my old Pi 2 card to a 4 and although technically everything was faster when you measured the times, the UI was vastly less responsive while a too small one will absolutely brick itself since you need some buffer space to spread out writes, and a boot drive will absolutely be hammered by regular writes
>>12 i use mine just to torrent anime. Also orange pies are cheaper
>>718 Sandisk works, Kingston also has some good SD cards

FUCK CLOUDFLARE FUCK CLOUDFLARE 02/16/2025 (Sun) 20:48:03 No. 1112 [Reply]
>>1112 what do you have against cloudflare that makes you hate it so much LOL
not him but I hate cloud flare too they're always checking me and making me fill captcha and I hate that
>>1114 cloudflare is literally awesome ngl
>>1112 is that smalltalk? haven't seen it since college. what are the weird annotations before the method name?
>>1115 cloudflare is EVIL they give you internet aids!!!

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BOOKS OSR 02/12/2025 (Wed) 22:28:26 No. 1090 [Reply]
Anna's archive, Libgen, and the Pirate Bay can't be accessed in Northern Ireland anymore or at least I can't get to them. Can someone please get me 1. Trashing the Planet: How Science Can Help Us Deal With Acid Rain, Depletion of the Ozone, and Nuclear Waste (Among Other Things) 2. Planned society, yesterday, today, tomorrow; a symposium by thirty-five economists, sociologists, and statesmen 3. Any books on Lisp or Lua game development 4. Beetlejuice Beetlejuice 5. Any Book on the Euro currency and how it was introduced
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Damn the entire thread actually conflicts with rule 2
>>1106 my thoughts exactly LOL. like brother just post them. acting like the government is gonna ICBM his house for pirating books.
>>1102 >The New World Order You gonna conquer the world? Can I join in???
>>1109 Yes I will conquer the world and establish a world government but it will be an one to stop the new world order. Yes you can totally join in
>>1110 What's the mission, sir?

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Anonymous 12/24/2023 (Sun) 12:21:03 No. 337 [Reply]
What linux distro should I use? Help me out, friends, I'm so confused.
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>>1085 how bad my privacy is on windows now? I already don't have the schizo level of privacy, but I still try to use things like ungoogled chromium. I disabled all the telemetry, deleted edge and copilot etc.
>>1087 >how bad my privacy is on windows now? Not bad really, only it would take them exactly one click to enter your system because all mass market proprietary software is backdoored, and the backdoors are coordinated by you know what government. I'm not sure linux in a panacea but it seems since linux is used exclusively in privacy conscious scenarios, it is more expensive to enter a linux machine. Though if you use your usual systemd with gnome/kde, you don't win much, since all of them are designed as malware as well. If you think open source cannot be openly malware you're dead wrong. Simply make unnecessarily complex and over engineered """solution""" and call your backdoors """"zero day RCEs"""" and chill. Since moving away from systemd is not possible and since it seems Linus is going to be deposed in upcoming years, I doubt you win anything by switching to linux. I'll probably keep some kernel tarballs just in case, but I think software freedom is doomed and unless something happens with the world, we will not be able to own our own system anymore.
>moving away from systemd is not possible Though if somebody replaces elogind and udev in a functional manner and presents clean software at the same time, please ping me. t. devuan user
>>1087 depends on your threat level. for the majority of people what you're doing is fine. if your threat level is something more casual like "i want to stop companies from selling my data for algorithms" then you can still do that to a satisfying degree on an LTSC install with disabling scripts. using trusted, open source software (like ungoogled chromium/librewolf, libreoffice, krita) and healthy amounts of caution online will be a good effort. if you want to go even further you can use invidious, nitter, and other alternative frontends for data hogging sites. the hikarin above me is correct in the sense that you can't really hide from the government, but that is not within most people's threat level (including mine).
>>1088 >>1094 thanks for the elaborate response anons.

Anonymous 03/18/2024 (Mon) 02:36:30 No. 448 [Reply]
Recommendations for Windows laptops similar in appearance to the iBook G3 It seems like such a thing should exist with how the other computer makers love copying off of Apple, but I'm having a hard time finding any
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>>1074 Why would you use wine for that? Proton id inarguabley better for games.
>>1076 proton in part uses wine, no?
>>1077 Proton is a fork of Wine, but it has a few tweaks so it can run seamlessly with Steam. By my experience the best runners are Wine-GE/Proton-GE, if you haven't yet, I would recommend trying it out, although the creator is now working mostly on UMU Launcher, which is by their description on Github: > A unified launcher for Windows games on Linux. It is essentially a copy of the Steam Runtime Tools and Steam Linux Runtime that Valve uses for Proton, with some modifications made so that it can be used outside of Steam. By my understanding it let's you run proton without Steam, so now they don't need to have a Wine-GE and Proton-GE separated, and considering Wine-GE have not been update in more than a year now, and also the Bottles and Lutris creators are heavily involved in UMU, I can assume it's where most of the work is going to right now.
>>1077 I don't believe anyone claimed it didn't
Proton is gay and corporate, and I don't understand how to use it. With wine, it just werks. How do I even install your proton crap?

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Anonymous 01/25/2025 (Sat) 23:43:21 No. 1053 [Reply]
You know those programs with in-terminal GUIS (e.g alsamixer), how does that work?
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>>1053 it's called TUI, in principle you can make one just using your terminal's protocol. there are libraries like pdcurses, termbox2, crossterm or ncurses that include utility functions and add a compatibility layer so you don't have to learn the different terminal protocols. and then there are higher level libraries that even come with widgets and multi-platform input handling like tuibox, libtickit*, libvaxis or ratatui* these last two don't depend on any curses emulator and use their own, significantly less bloated, stacks there is also imtui if you want a terminal backend for imgui *: c **: zig ***: rust
I think I dreamed about programming something like this in C Weird

Desktop thread Anonymous 07/24/2023 (Mon) 12:34:30 No. 79 [Reply] [Last]
How does your desktop look like /t/? How ricy is it?
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>>1034 I enjoy his music, that's all. >>1035 seperate art from artist. I don't care about sewerslvt's personal opinions as long as they don't mix it into their music.
>>1035 >name you init system NOW blehhhhhh neverrrrr
>>1037 why?
i don't spend a lot of time ricing
syrno spotted







